Sarah Woodruff Kristyn Jordon EDUC 224
Kristyn hypothesis was comprehension: Because looking over the standards, I viewed that there were a lot of comprehension verbs. Sarah hypothesis was Application: I thought application would be used most in third grade.
Found total 33 verbs Knowledge- 4 (12%) Comprehension- 13 (37%) Application- 1 (3%) Analysis- 9 (21%) Synthesis- 5 (15%) Evaluation- 2 (6%) = 100%
Found total 40 verbs Knowledge- 6 (15%) Comprehension- 16 (40%) Application- 3 (7.5%) Analysis- 13 (32.5%) Synthesis- 1 (2.5%) Evaluation- 1 (2.5%) = 100%
How is that there are differences in our numbers? HMMMMM….
Sarah counted up 40 verbs because she counted every single verb that’s how she calculated 40 Kristyn counted up 33 verbs because she was going on based on the verbs that are shown in the bloom’s levels.