for every woman Immigration Reform Webinar: Messaging and Polling May 2, 3:00 EDT Desiree Hoffman, Director of Advocacy and Policy, YWCA USA Capitol Hill Day Webinar 1 out of 3 0
for every woman Immigration Messaging and Polling Agenda Why is Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) a Priority? Politics behind CIR Brief Overview of Senate Bill Review of Key Polling Messaging on Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) Schedule of Upcoming Webinars Take Action Before Capitol Hill Day
for every woman Why is CIR A Priority? Changing Demographics The immigrant population in the United States has grown considerably over the past 50 years. Power of the Vote 73% of Asian voters, 71% of Hispanic voters and 93% of Black voters voted for Obama in the 2012 presidential election, helping propel him to victory The Economic Imperative Granting legal status will bring about significant economic gains in terms of growth, earnings, tax revenues, and jobs* Timing Elections, Politics, Presidency 2
Past Immigration Proposals Came From Both Sides of Aisle Not All Attempts Had Bipartisan Support Source: National Journal Research, Immigration Act of 1990 Signed into law by George H.W. Bush. Increased available visas for skilled workers and immigrants with family in the U.S. Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 Signed into law by Bill Clinton. Increased U.S. border enforcement and restricted non- citizens from receiving public benefits. DREAM Act Sponsored by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Il.) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Proposed granting permanent residency to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors and meet other criteria. Introduced in 2001 but failed to pass. The bill has been reintroduced various times – most recently in 2011 – but has not passed. Executive Order to End Deportation of Illegal Immigrants Signed into law by Barack Obama. Ended deportation of certain immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally as children. Obama’s use of executive order signaled lack of bipartisan support for the measure.
Current Reform Proposals See Some Consensus Source: National Journal Research, Parties Still Disagree on Whether to Provide Pathway to Citizenship Both GOP and Democratic politicians want to make more H1-B visas available to attract skilled foreign workers to the U.S. Democrats Many Democrats support creating a pathway to earned citizenship for illegal immigrants to naturalize the 11 million undocumented workers currently living in the U.S. Republicans Many, though not all, Republicans oppose granting illegal immigrants amnesty, arguing that this may create an incentive for more illegal immigrants to come to the U.S.
for every woman Bipartisan “Gang of 8” Introduce Immigration Reform Legislation The Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 (S.744) Title I: Border Security Title II: Legalization (Registered Provisional Immigrant program) and Legal Immigration Title III: Interior Enforcement Title IV: Reforms to Non Immigrant Visa Programs. 5 Bob Menendez D-N.J. Lindsey Graham R-S.C. Dick Durbin D-Ill. Michael Bennet D-Colo. Jeff Flake R-Ariz. Marco Rubio R-Fla. John McCain R-Ariz. Chuck Schumer D-N.Y.
for every woman Senate Bill Language and Summaries Full Text of Bill (Sen. Schumer’s website)Full Text of Bill Shorter Summary of Bill (DPCC)Shorter Summary of Bill Bill Overview and Other Resources (Sen. Menendez’ website)Bill Overview and Other Resources YWCA USA Analysis on Senate Bill 6
for every woman Polling: Americans want immigration reform with a road map to citizenship Three-quarters of all Americans support a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies found in January 2013 that 77 percent of all Americans support an immigration-reform plan that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, a plan for strengthened border security, employment eligibility checks in the workplace, and future legal immigration levels tied to our economy.Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies 7
for every woman Polling: Americans want immigration reform with a road map to citizenship, cont’d Immigration reform is supported by majorities across all political parties. The Brookings Institute and Public Religion Research released polling in March 2013 showing that 71 percent of Democrats, 64 percent of independents, and 53 percent of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for the approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States.Brookings Institute *Same poll also showed that Majorities of all religious groups in the poll supported giving earned citizenship to immigrants in the country illegally* 8
for every woman Women Polled on CIR A poll conducted by Lake Research Partners and Aso Communications of 800 women likely voters in February 2013 found: Three-quarters of women rate immigrants (including women immigrants) neutral or positively; only a quarter of women voters rate immigrants negatively. Immigrant children receive the highest ratings. Women voters strongly agree that what makes you American is commitment to the country and that all kinds of immigrants contribute to our culture and our economy 9
for every woman 10 Women and Polling Cont’d: Language that connects American identity to commitment to the country resonates for all groups, but especially energizes the Base who almost universally agree, and Persuadables, over nine in ten of whom agree. Talking about immigrants contributing to our culture works better for the base, while talking about immigrants’ contributions to culture and communities works equally well among Persuadables and alienates the Opposition. Statement % total agree agree (% strongly agree) TotalBasePersuadableOpposition No matter where you are from, what makes you American is your commitment to the country. 85 (45)97 (62)92 (42)50 (22) All kinds of immigrants, regardless of how they came here, contribute to our culture and our economy. 71 (24)97 (49)78 (16)17 (2) All kinds of immigrants, regardless of how they came here, contribute to our communities and our economy. 67 (19)90 (37)77 (15)8 (0) All illegal immigrants should be deported. 47 (24)16 (5)45 (21)97 (58)
for every woman Polling of Republicans A telephone poll conducted April 2013 of 800 registered voters (400 R’s), by Winston Group on behalf of Americans for Tax Reform, Partnership for New Economy and National Immigration Forum Action Fund found the following:poll 1)67% of Republicans Support the Senate’s proposal for CIR 2)82% of Republicans believe that the current immigration laws are working poorly and there is a strong desire to make “alot of changes” or do a “complete overhaul.” 3) 61 percent of Republicans believe that the Senate bill will improve the U.S. economy 4) There is broad support for tough but fair pathway to citizenship for those who are here illegally: 85% of Republicans-79% of Americans overall-support the bills provisions that require immigrants who are here illegally to register for legal status, pay fines, learn English, pay taxes and wait in back of line to apply for citizenship. 11
for every woman Winning Messages Rebranding Immigrants DO SAY: Aspiring citizens, New Americans, New American Immigrants DON’T SAY: Illegal Aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Undocumented Workers Change the Frame DO SAY: Freedom to Move, Land of Freedom and Opportunity, People Move DON’T SAY: Rule of Law, Broke the Law, Secure our Borders 12
for every woman 13 Top Winning Messages
for every woman Schedule Upcoming Capitol Hill Day 2013 Webinars: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 2 PM EDT Logistics Call to Prepare for Capitol Hill Day and Congressional Visits Reserve your Webinar here: Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 3 PM EDT National Immigration Reform Issue Overview Discussion of the current legislative state of play, overview of legislation and the YWCA “ask.”
for every woman Take Action Before Capitol Hill Day 2013 Urge your Member of Congress to support fair, comprehensive reform for all immigrants – click here to send your .click here to send your The Leadership Conference Education Fund Polling of African Americans on CIR Webinar- Date: Friday, May 3:00 p.m. ET. RSVP: To participate and receive the dial-in number, please Beth Sadler Participate in the YWCA USA Tweetchat on May 8, 2:00 EDT Join the YWCA USA on May 30 for a blog carnival on common sense immigration reform. To participate in the blog carnival, contact Qudsia Qudsia Jafree On June 6, the YWCA USA will host What Women Want: A National Day of Action for Immigration Reform, which will coincide with the YWCA USA’s Capitol Hill Day the needs and challenges faced by immigrant women and their families. YWCA USA’s Capitol Hill Day 15
for every woman Question and Answer (Q&A) 16