1 Presented by:
ALLY LEARNING EXPERIENCE # 8 Hats of Support Objectives #1-Participants will be introduced to the four different Hats that professionals wear #2- Participants will provide examples of actions associated with White Hat Red Hat Black Hat Green Hat 2
White Hat Seen As Looks Like Indifferent Whatever Who cares It is all about the paycheck Just putting in time Can’t wait till retirement Focus is on self 3
Black Hat SEEN AS Negative Critical Sarcastic Pessimistic Only sees failure Focus is on the problem 4
Red Hat SEEN AS Forceful Controlling Coercive Focus is on compliance 5
Green Hat SEEN AS Supportive Helpful Optimistic Positive Ask thoughtful questions Looks for solutions Looks for strengths & abilities Focus is on possibilities & success 6
White Hat Looks like: Sounds like: 7
Black Hat Looks like: Sounds like: 8
Red Hat Looks like: Sounds like: Acts like: 9
Green Hat Looks like: Sounds like: Acts like: 10
Intentionality Committing to Wearing the Green Hat Engaging Questions 1 We commit to bringing out the best in the person we serve 2 We commit to creating environments where each person can thrive 3 We commit to conversations that focus on helping the person we serve to have a good day Please rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 as defined below. 1-We don’t care about this 2-We have thought about it but have not started 3-We think about it some of the time and occasionally do it 4-We think about it most of the time and we and try to implement the majority of the time 5-This is our first thought, we think about it all of the time and we can provide examples 11
Intentionality Committing to Wearing the Green Hat Engaging Questions 1-We have committed to looking for ways to naturally provide positive encouragement 2-We have committed to engaging in positive discussion on what is possible when a person is in a difficult moment 3- We have committed to focusing on helping a person to have a good day when they are experiencing distress Please rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 as defined below. 1-We don’t care about this 2-We have thought about it but have not started 3-We think about it some of the time and occasionally do it 4-We think about it most of the time and we and try to implement the majority of the time 5-This is our first thought, we think about it all of the time and we can provide examples 12
Our Green Hat Thinking 1-Our thoughts are on the persons success 2-Our thoughts include ways for the person to ask for help/assistance 3- Our thoughts are on ways to to provide people-places-things of value/interest to the person we serve 4- Our thoughts are on helping the person to be physically & emotionally safe Please rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 as defined below. 1-We don’t care about this 2-We have thought about it but have not started 3-We think about it some of the time and occasionally do it 4-We think about it most of the time and we and try to implement the majority of the time 5-This is our first thought, we think about it all of the time and we can provide examples 13
Commit to being an Ally 14