COH Pension Systems Retirement Benefit Levels
Replacement Ratio: - Standard measure of retirement benefit level - Retirement income as % of pre-retirement income 1
2 HMEPS Civilian Employees Replacement Ratio w/o DROP Years of Service at Retirement Employees Hired Prior to 1/1/08 – Plan A Employees Hired After 1/1/08 CurrentUltimate* 2063%+SS50%+SS36%+SS 2585%+SS66%+SS45%+SS 3090%+SS83%+SS50%+SS EE Contribution % of Salary5%+6.2%0%+6.2% Eligible for Full BenefitAge+Svc=75Age 62/5 Svc OT Included in Benefit Calculation No DROP AvailableYesNo Automatic COLAYesNo * All Service After 1/1/05
3 HPOPS and HFRRF Public Safety Employees Replacement Ratio w/o DROP Years of Service at RetirementHPOPSHFRRF CurrentFuture*CurrentFuture** 2055%45%50%? 2565%55%65%? 3075%65%80%? EE Contribution % of Salary 9%10.25%9%? Eligible for Full Benefit20 Yrs SvcAge 55/10 Svc20 Yrs Svc? OT Included in Benefit Calculation No Yes? DROP AvailableYesNoYes? Automatic COLAYes ? * Applies to police officers hired after October 9, 2004 ** Work in process
4 DROP Is A Game Changer Specific to Individual – cannot generalize Variables Include: Provisions of DROP Age and service at DROP entry and exit Basic benefit accrual rates w/o DROP Salary changes during DROP EE Contributions during DROP Interest credits on DROP account
5 Sample of DROP Changing the Game At DROP Entry: Age 45 20 years of service Annual Salary $75,000 Eligible for lifetime annuity of $37,500 (50%) per year
6 Sample of DROP Changing the Game (cont’d) During DROP: Active, but no further benefit accruals based on salary and service Salary increases 3% per year DROP account credited each year with: Annuity amount based on salary and service at 20 yrs EE contributions of 9% of salary Interest at 5% per yr
Sample of Drop Changing The Game (cont’d) At Retirement: Age 55 30 years of service Annual salary of $100,794 Accumulated value of DROP account - $627,655 COLA adjusted 20 year service annuity - $45,000/yr 7
8 Sample of Drop Changing the Game (cont’d) with DROPw/o DROP Pre-Retirement Salary$100,794 Annuity Value ‾ From DROP account$ 44,832$ N/A ‾ Based on salary/service 45,000 80,634 ‾ Total$ 89,832$ 80,634 Replacement Ratio89%80%