The National Archives THE ARCHIVAL DATABASE (VAKKA) -includes information about archival material deposited in The Finnish National Archives and in seven Provincial Archives. -total amount of material is some 110 km shelved (2004).
The National Archives THE ARCHIVAL DATABASE (VAKKA) - operational database - improves our information service and our internal work - has been planned in modules - in internet from the year of multilevel description
The National Archives THE ARCHIVAL DATABASE (VAKKA) - the description of archival material follows Finnish standard (1997) which is mostly based on international standards ISAAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF ). - the archival material in the archival database is organized in description levels which are as follows; Records creator level, fonds level, series level, unit level, items level and general description level
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE What do we digitize ? - indexies of the minutes or registries of the important government agencies (central government) - for the benefit of the serious research
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE Why was this system built ? - to record and preserve the digitized material (= images, audio and so on) - provide the easy access for the users with the help of the internet-interface - to improve the quality of the images
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE Separate data-base from VAKKA- archival database - you can add automatically meta-data from VAKKA - integrated with Vakka on a unit level - archival unit identification number is the linka that connects the digitized objects and the information in VAKKA - helps us to automate work-prosesses in digitization so much as possible
The National Archives THE DIGITAL DATABASE -
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE Material is digitized Metadata is defined Metadata and digitized objects are linked and added to the data base Material is stored into the tape library
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE How to use the system ?: - through our Archival Data Base - VAKKA - a separate retrieval system in Digital Archive; improvement in search results
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE How to have access: - free word search you can search either with proper nouns, (e.g. a district) or with common nouns - tree view you get an overall view of the material that is digitized you can search by going from the records creator-level to the archival unit -level
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE - the aplication has not the optical character recognition programme (OCR) -to make retrieval system better -to take advantage of the finding aids made earlier - complete the information provided by VAKKA –data base - e.g table of contents
The national Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVES -compressed JPEG - image, which the end-user sees as an image that can be zoomed -inside the archival unit it is possible to move to the next or previous image
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE - hardware – three Intel-based servers, tape-library and disk-system - Linux-operating system -MySQL - TIFF-images for archiving purpose - servers and the other equipment are linked together with the fast LAN
The National Archives DIGITAL ARCHIVE 2.6GHz P4 1Gbit/s switch 2 x 1.266GHz P3 SDLT tape library (4Tt) 380 Gt RAID disk pack Clustering technique - one logical unit – three physical servers - improved service - scaleable - provide access to a large amount of users