Community led housing – the role we play Anna James Project Manager (Empty Homes) Plus Dane Group
About Plus Dane Group One of the largest developing RPs in the North West We own & manage over 18,000 homes across Merseyside & Cheshire We are delivering 2,000 new homes by 2017 We have a £150m development programme Heritage in co-operative movement in South Liverpool
What we’ll talk about today Empowering local communities…… Case studies- How Plus Dane have responded Types of partnership Lessons learned
The bigger picture HMR legacy- managing the shift Reduced funding environment- more for less Challenges & opportunities
Welsh Streets Plus Dane, LCC and local community working together for over 10 years LCC Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment updated 2012 Identified need to create more housing choice Our proposals combine demolition, refurbishment and new build – impending Public Enquiry Phase A: 189 homes (157 new build and 32 refurbs) Home-steading & public realm
Welsh Streets
Kirkby- lets work together..! A local community, an established co-operative 71 homes to be cleared
Kirkby 71 new homes, underpinning £200m regeneration of Kirkby town centre Public private partnership: KMBC, Plus Dane, Tesco, Cherryfield Co-op, local residents Existing homes: 52 Plus Dane & 19 Co-op Robust community engagement & sensitive management of issues Responding to individual housing need and aspiration Site cleared: construction work begins on new Tesco store and town centre regeneration
Granby Focus of sustained regeneration activity since 1970s Deep-rooted problems of housing market decline and poor structural conditions 93.6% of the Princes Park ward in most 5% deprived nationally £50m funding for the area- Clusters of Empty Homes, Lovells, Plus Dane, HCA Granby CLT & co-op exploring community asset transfer Homes for £1 pilot
Granby 4 Streets
South Cheshire Borders CLT PDG have funded a dedicated CLT officer Job to provide technical support with feasibilities and business planning We support the officer through training, monitor delivery and promote the concept to communities Targets agreed to ensure CLT post is self sustaining within 2/3years
Genuine partnership What do Housing Associations bring?..... We bring capacity and resources across development, finance, funding and relationships with influential stakeholders We gain community buy-in, genuine engagement, improved relationships and understanding of local priorities
Genuine partnership Communities are the real heart and drivers for change… Communities bring expertise, passion, creativity and real understanding of place and priorities Communities gain capacity, resources and high-profile support to make things happen
Lessons learned Need for buy-in across all stakeholders Need to build trust between stakeholders – shared vision Partners enable each other – shared resources Don’t ignore the power of social media Communicate sensitively and robustly
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