1 Introduction Who we are How many? The Careers Group
2 Who We Are A ‘family’ of universities and institutes affiliated with or bound to The University of London Some colleges constitute one HESA return, others are combined
3 Who We Actually Are Royal Holloway, UoLKings College LondonUCL GoldsmithsCourtauld IoAQueen Mary, UoL SOASSchool of PharmacyLSHTM Cancer ResearchHeythropInstitute of Education BirkbeckRoyal Veterinary Coll.St George’s HMS Others….UoL Institutes (below) Warburg InstituteUoL in ParisInst. Advanced Legal Studies Inst. Classical StudiesInst. Commonwealth StudiesInst. English Studies Inst. Germanic & Romance StudInst. Historical ResearchInst. Musical Research Inst. PhilosophyInst. Study of the AmericasMillport Marine Biological Station
4 How Many? Around 50,000 graduates and rising Around 35,000 of which are U of L Most colleges request internationals, due to diversity of London graduates
5 The Careers Group Central Careers Administration Products and services designed to help individuals achieve and maintain job satisfaction throughout their working lives Customers include academic institutions, students, graduates, graduate recruiters, and other careers services providers Products and services include careers advice, graduate fairs, online services, courses, professional training Graduate Research
6 Full-time DLHE team of 4 staff all year round, one of which is our Call Centre Manager On-site call centre Department with over 20 years’ collective experience, including manager with 12 years of FDS/DLHE experience
7 Online Services Full-time team of 5 web developers Department with a collective 15 years’ experience Many DLHE-related websites, including: –Mayor of London website –Data capture system
8 DLHE Problems Spotting trends and problems in time –Bad numbers –Unemployment Quality control Language barriers Promoting/engaging with the data
9 Bad Numbers Near-instant reporting on: Bad numbers Unemployment rates Response rates
10 Quality Control Invest in a good capture system Call afternoons and evenings, week and weekends if necessary Experienced callers Employee retention is valuable International codes and time zones Language diversity
11 EmpCir EMPCIR CodeEMPCIR Description 01Employed full-time in paid work 02Employed part-time in paid work 03Self-employed/freelance 10Taking time out in order to travel 11Due to start a job within the next month 12Unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training 13Not employed but NOT looking for employment, further study or training 14Something else 15Voluntary work/other unpaid work 16Permanently unable to work/retired 17Temporarily sick or unable to work/looking after the home or family XXQuestion not answered (default)
12 Quality Control Invest in a good capture system Call afternoons and evenings, week and weekends if necessary Experienced callers Employee retention is valuable International codes and time zones Language diversity
15 Quality Control Invest in a good capture system Call afternoons and evenings, week and weekends if necessary Experienced callers Employee retention is valuable International codes and time zones Language diversity
16 Colleges with Language Schools UCL (Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, the BA Modern Languages course allows over 250 combinations of modern languages) SOAS (over 50 languages, including Arabic, Amharic, Bengali, Chinese, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Swahili, Thai, Tibetan, Urdu, Vietnamese and Zulu) King’s (Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Dari, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Punjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu) Royal Holloway (French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian) Birkbeck (French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese) Goldsmiths (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese) Queen Mary (French, German, Hispanic, Russian) Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies (French, German, Hispanic, Italian) University of London Institute in Paris (French)
17 Q & A
18 Lunch