Quiz 2 Results: Grade Scale Average class score after partial credit: __________ Commonly missed questions: #_________________ Grade Scale If you got less than 70% on Quiz 2, make sure to go over your quiz with me or a TA sometime today or tomorrow to help you prepare for tomorrow’s test.
Math TLC Open Lab Hours: Room 203 Jarvis Hall Science Wing Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Review for Test 1 Sample Problems Page Link (Dr. Bruce Johnston)
Any time you are unable to access assignments from the CourseCompass web site: You can still get to your homework assignments and practice tests and quizzes during this time by using the following login site: http://www.mathxl.com/mmllogin.htm MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THIS WEBSITE ADDED TO YOUR “FAVORITES” LIST, AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT TO ACCESS HOMEWORK AND PRACTICE TESTS!
Test 1 Covers: Chapter 1 (Real numbers) Chapter 2 (Linear equations/inequalities) Chapter 3 (Graphs, functions, domains/ranges, lines/slopes/intercepts)
To study for the test: 1). Take Practice Test 1 as many times as you want. Take notes as you go, and remember that you can REVIEW each version as many times as you want using “Check My Grades”. Remember, your best score on the practice test DOES count 10 points toward your course grade. A 100% score gives you 10 points, 50% gives you 5 points, and not taking it at all gives you 0 out of the 10 points. 2). Review the homework from the sections in which you missed questions on the practice test. (Review homework by using the “Check My Grades” function, not the “Assignments” button.) 3). Review Quizzes 1 and 2 using the Gradebook button. Using the online gradebook: Click “Review” to view any completed quiz/test (including practice versions) or HW assignment. You can actually re-do new versions of any or all HW problems in any homework assignment for extra practice, and it WILL NOT change your grade, even if you get them wrong. 4). Review your notes and/or the online lecture slides (under each Assignment).
Another good study aid: “Chapter Highlights” pages in book: Ch Another good study aid: “Chapter Highlights” pages in book: Ch. 1: pages 41-42 Ch. 2: pages 108-110 (Sections 2.1 - 2.4 only) Ch. 3: pages 191-195 (Sections 3.1 - 3.5 only) (You can find these in either the on-line or the paper textbook.)
Practice Test Tries Average Test Score Grade number of students 61 F 9 1 68 C- 6 2 76 C+ 13 3 89 A- 7 Why you should take advantage of the opportunity to take the practice test:
REMINDER: You will be given the “pink sheet” containing formulas to use on the test, just as on quizzes. You can print off a copy of this formula sheet to use while you do your homework and practice quizzes/tests by clicking on the “Formula sheet” menu button, or pick up a yellow handout copy in class today to keep in your notebook.
More Reminders: Be on time so you’re logged in and ready to go when I give you the password. (This is especially important for tests since they will take the entire 55-minute class period.) Bring your POWER CORD & CALCULATOR (Your power cord is an especially important item for the hour-long tests, since you don’t want to run out of battery power before you finish.) REMEMBER TO SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK on the answer/worksheet provided so that we can award partial credit for partially correct work or typos.
Do any of you who have already started the practice test have any questions you’d like to have explained?
Go ahead and start the practice test, and we’ll come around to help if you have questions. Remember, the open lab staff will also be available to help you with preparing for the test outside of class time.
Math TLC Open Lab Hours: Room 203 Jarvis Hall Science Wing Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.