Bob Martin By: Marina Sterling
About the artist Bob Martin likes taking action, graphic and editorial pictures. They are in numerous publications in sports illustrated, Time, News Magazine and New York Times just to name a few. His style is more modern, he likes to take clear and unusually angled pictures. Bob has been recognized in more than 53 national and international awards. He is a three time winner of the prestigious Sports photographer of the year.
High jump- Birmingham, England
The lighting in this picture seem to just be clear all around and it is coming from the frontal view The main subject of this picture is the guy jumping over the pole because he is in such a odd position it makes him stand out. Also his jersey color makes him stand out. The composition of this photo is great because the lines in the background make the athlete stand out a lot more, also it follows the rule of thirds. I chose this picture because I like the angle it was taken at.
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The lighting in this picture is somewhat dark and then there is a brighter spot behind the football players head. The main subject is the football player, he stands out by his outfit and just because he is jumping over the water which is not regular for football. I don’t really see a story in this picture. I picked this one because it was very unusual and it made me think why is this football player jumping over some water.
Xavier Torres- Paralympics, Athens Greece
The lighting in this picture is very clear and you can see the water without getting that glare you sometimes get. The main subject is somewhat split in this picture because you look at the legs in the chair and the man diving. The photographer is showing that you can still do the things you love even if you have things that could hold you back. I choose this because i like the message it gives off.
Diving for Preview- Barcelona Olympics
The lighting in this picture is very clear, It is even all around the picture which I like because it makes it look real. The main subject in this picture is the diver in the top of the picture. I can tell because of the colors, the diver is wearing red and the background is clear blue. The background in this picture makes it so striking, also her body position is different so it stands out. I chose this picture because I like the divers position and how clear it looks.
Tour De France-Toulouse France
The lighting in this picture is somewhat clear, there is some blur in the picture but it looks fine. The main subject in this picture is the bike riders in the back because the flowers make them stand out by there shape and color. The composition in this picture is leading lines and selective focus. The flowers position leads to the bike riders in the back and because some ware blurry it does the same. I don’t think there is a story in this photo. I picked this picture because I liked the flowers and how they enhanced the bike riders in the back.
fotograflarihttp:// fotograflari Football Track high jump : Diving in pool Backwards dive sports-photographer-bob-martin/ sports-photographer-bob-martin/ flowers and bike riders fotograflarihttp:// fotograflari Football Track high jump : Diving in pool Backwards dive sports-photographer-bob-martin/ sports-photographer-bob-martin/ flowers and bike riders