Shared with campus constituencies Mission, Vision, Values Goals – Revised on 5-year cycle with MSCHE review. Vision Budget Strategic Plan Goal Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

Shared with campus constituencies Mission, Vision, Values Goals – Revised on 5-year cycle with MSCHE review. Vision Budget Strategic Plan Goal Strategy Action Assessment Completed - Celebrated Goal Strategies and Actions are reviewed every six months and revised annually.

Public document Working document – web Dashboards - web

President’s role: promote the vision President’s Council’s role: Goal-set-through— Rolling Five-year Plan review and assess Campus leaders’ (VPs, Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors) role: from vision to reality President’s role: promote the vision President’s Council’s role: Goal-set-through— Rolling Five-year Plan review and assess Campus leaders’ (VPs, Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors) role: from vision to reality

Campus Community role:  Students, faculty, staff, and volunteer boards  Five-year cycle of mission, vision, values, and goal review  Alignment with MSCHE self-study and PRR Campus Community role:  Students, faculty, staff, and volunteer boards  Five-year cycle of mission, vision, values, and goal review  Alignment with MSCHE self-study and PRR

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it!” -Michelangelo

Every Alfred State College graduate having a life transforming experience by participating in a civic engagement project…

Strategy:Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1e: P Build a Student Leadership Center. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: A student leadership center is created that is a state-of-the-art nationally recognized facility emphasizing student leadership through civic engagement. Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI: Concept paper and architectural design showing SLC to be a state-of- the-art facility. National publication or organization recognizing the facility as such upon opening fall Base Year (07-08): $33.5 M secured (May 2008) for new student leadership center - April ASC 4Rs Addressed: Reputation, Recruitment Retention Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1eProgress Developed concept paper. Nationally recognized architect selected for the project Complete program and schematic design on student leadership center. Decision to phase construction - Phase 1 begins May "State-of-the-art" design maintained through year's activities Completed construction D&D for Phase 1 in Feb 2011; phase 1 construction contract awarded; ground breaking ceremony and Phase 1 construction began in May

Alfred State College Student Leadership Center

Strategy 1Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1d(2): P Create a campus culture that promotes civic engagement and student leadership opportunities. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: Establish a Student Leadership Institute to assist in raising funds for civic engagement and student leadership opportunities for students. Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI: The College will raise $100,000 annually to support civic engagement and student leadership programs. Base Year (09-10): $4,000 raised in Parent Fund appeal. ASC 4Rs Addressed: Recruitment, Retention, Reputation Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1d(2)Progress College community raised $45,665 in

Strategy 1:Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1g: P Train club and organization advisers in promoting civic engagement initiatives. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: Have 13 proposals approved for Student Leadership Center store fronts by March 1, Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI:13 store fronts assigned. Base Year ASC 4Rs Addressed: Recruitment, Retention, Reputation Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1g

“Determine that the thing can and shall be done and we shall find a way” - Abraham Lincoln

Strategy 3 Develop and implement assessment and continuous improvement processes SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION A3c: P Develop a college-wide office of assessment staffed with a director. Big Six Category: Seamless Education Pipeline Desired Outcome: Coordinate and communicate all college assessment activities from program assessment to institutional effectiveness. Top Line Metric: Increase in percentage of NYS residents who have a college degree leading to a decrease in unemployment. KPI:Hire director, establish office, implement assessment activities. Base Year (07-08): 50% faculty release time for assessment. ASC 4Rs Addressed: Reputation Reporting: AA YearActual Results - E1d(2)Progress Assessment Director hired 9/1/09. Improved 5-year review process. Strategic Plan developed Completed Periodic Review Report and annual SLOs. Redeveloped Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness website. Revised and created various assessment documents. Simplified course evaluation process and revised online course evaluation process. Assisted with ASC Strategic Plan KPIs Outcome met as of 9/1/

SUNY Dashboards

ASC Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness Website

ASC Accreditation SharePoint
