The Evolution of the Game Console Molly McHam Nick De La Cruz IED B8 10/2/12
The Father Of Video Games Ralph H. Baer created the first game console (the Brown Box) in 1976.
First Console The Brown Box Copper wires Wood Metal Ping- pong Tennis Handball Volleyball Chase Light-gun
First Generation Magnavox Odyssey – 1972 Pong – 1975 Atari 2600 VCS- 1977
Second Generation Intellivision – 1980 Nintendo Entertainment System – 1985 Game Boy – 1989
Third Generation Neo-Geo – 1990 Super NES – 1991 PlayStation – 1995
Fourth Generation Nintendo 64 – 1996 PlayStation 2 – 2000 Xbox – 2001
Fifth Generation Game Boy Advance – 2002 Nintendo DS – 2004 PlayStation Portable – 2005
Timeline – – – 1985 Brown Box Magnavox Odyssey (1975) Atari Pong Magnavox Odyssey 100 Magnavox Odyssey 200 (1976) Coleco Telstar Fairchild Channel F Magnavox Odyssey 300 Magnavox Odyssey 400 Magnavox Odyssey 500 The Wonder Wizard Model 7702 (1977) RCA Studio II Magnavox Odyssey 2000 Atari 2600 Atari Video Pinball Atari Stunt Cycle Coleco Telstar Ranger Coleco Telstar Combat Coleco Telstar Alpha Magnavox Odyssey 3000 Magnavox Odyssey 4000 Coleco Telstar Colormatic ( ) Nintendo Color TV Game Series Coleco Telstar Sportsman Coleco Telstar Colortron Coleco Telstar Marksman Magnavo x Odyssey 2 Philips Odysse y 2001 Philips Odyssey 2100 Coleco Telstar Gemini Coleco Telstar Arcade Bally Astrocade (1979) Mattel's Intellivision (1981) Epoch Cassette Vision (1982) Vectrex Emersion Arcadia Atari 5200 ColecoVision Mattel Intellivision II (1983) Casio PV Sega SG-1000 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Timeline Cont – 1985 (1984) Epoch Super Cassette Vision (1985) Sega Master System 1986 – 1990 (1986) Atari 7800 (1987) NEC TurboGrafx-16 (1988) Sega Mega Drive/Genesis (1989) NEC SuperGrafx (1990) Sega Master System II SNK NeoGeo AES Super Nintendo Entertainment System 1991 – 1993 (1991) Philips CD-i (1992) NEC TurboDuo (1993) Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer Atari Jaguar Commodore Amiga CD – 1997 (1994) Sega Genesis 2 Sega Saturn PlayStation SNK Neo Geo CD NEC PC-FX Bandai Playdia (1995) Apple Bandai Pippin Casio Loopy Nintendo Virtual Boy (1996) Nintendo 64 (1997) Sega Genesis – 2004 (1998) Sega Dreamcast (2000) PlayStation 2 (2001) Nintendo Gamecube Xbox (2004) XaviPORT 2005 – 2011 (2005) Xbox360 (2006) PlayStation 3 (2006) Wii Mattel's Hyperscan (2008) Envizions EVO Smart Console (2009) Wii MotionPlus (2010) Kinect (Xbox360) PlayStation Move
Effects On Society Positive: Imagination Exploration (culture) Escape from reality Entertainment Negative: Laziness Violence Relationships Health Problems
“Advertising is legalized lying.” H. G. WellsH. G. Wells “What really matters is what you do with what you have.” H. G. WellsH. G. Wells
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