Sport Supplements By Harvir, Hussain, Joel and Fran
Protein Supplements Used to enhance muscle repair and growth Can increase endurance/maintain muscle mass Taken by strength athletes – protein is important to build muscle and to repair muscle that is broken down during strenuous exercise Taken by vegetarians who need protein Taken as a meal replacement – for athletes who have trouble n fitting regular meals into busy schedules
Harmful effects Diet high in protein – put a strain on the liver and kidneys Causes a negative nitrogen balance - slows down muscle growth
Creatine This is a legal drug and is used o promote muscle performance enhancement. This is so it allows for repeated powerful muscle contractions. Creatine allows the anaerobic AP-PC system to continue for longer allowing a higher level of performance.
Advantages This system can help improve recovery times and help you performer maximally for longer. It extends the threshold by ingesting monohydrate powder or liquid. From this it can boost muscle mass and maximal strength and therefore most athletes use it but mainly weightlifters.
Disadvantages However this engolenic aid has many side effects such as abdominal cramps, water retention and bloating, diarrhoea and weight gains.
Bicarbonate of Soda Drinking a solution of bicarbonate of soda makes the bloods Ph rise making it more alkaline and buffering capacity increases. The type of athlete this legal aid is for is sprinters or endurance athletes.
Advantages From this it then delays the onset of lactic acid and neutralises the negative affects. This allows athletes to work harder for longer as it delays the onset of fatigue and OBLA.
Disadvantages However from this there are many side effects such as bloating, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and nausea.
Herbal remedies Legal Natural products Decreasing body fat to elevate blood testosterone levels Enhancing energy Improving health and athletic performance Improve stamina and strength Suitable for all atheltes
Negative effects Fluid loss Many claims unfound Some may react with prescription drugs or even testing positive to banned drugs.
Examples Whey protein powder- increases muscle metabolism Electrolyte stamina tablet- for athletes who experience fluid loss Kola powder- enhance mental alertness and ginseng to increase endurance athletes and enhance muscle recovery.
Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulating drug which is commonly used to improve endurance performances. Caffeine isn't produced by the body and can therefore e seen as an ergogenic aid. It is also thought to improve metabolism of fatty acids, therefore sparing glycogen stores which is good for performers who use there aerobic system. It is found in several common drinks such as coffee and lucozade.
Advantages Improves aerobic performance secondary to the glycogen sparing effect It improves your voluntary reaction time Enhances of pitch alertness May reduce exercise induced asthma Reduces effects of fatigue
Drawbacks Too much caffeine though can lead to tremors and loss of steadiness. Muscle tightness and cramping due to the effects of dehydration, sleep deprivation on night before the performance. Can make you become dizzy, disorientated and unable to focus on your performance. Loss of fine control Banned in large quantities in some sport.