National Partnerships Primary Mathematics Specialists Initiative
Primary Mathematics Specialists Initiative Outcomes To deliver improved primary student results in mathematics To increase workforce capacity To build sustained continued improvement in teacher capacity within schools
Implementation Model 0.3 FTE: Specialists work with colleagues within their school 0.2FTE: Specialists work with colleagues in their network 0.5FTE: Specialists work as a classroom teacher 3 specialists per school; 3 schools from 1 network in each of the 9 regions
Evaluation 2) build sustained teacher capacity? 1) implement the Specialists initiative effectively? 4) improve student cohort achievement in mathematics? Did we… 3) improve student outcomes in mathematics from P-6
Key findings Effective Implementation School Network System
Key Findings Building Teacher Capacity “Every child enjoys and is engaged with maths. The differentiation in the lessons has meant that all children are supported at their level and all are experiencing success. Teachers have changed their way of teaching in other subjects as well due to the influence and the success they are having in maths with the support of the specialists” “The confidence of the maths teachers is contagious. Parents are very happy with the way in which maths is now being taught” “Our three specialists have effectively contributed to whole school development, content based learning and networking learning with other schools. The power in this project is having the skills of our people developed thus, internalising the approach to commence sustainable practice”
Key Findings Building Teacher Capacity continued
Key Findings Improved Student Outcomes Overall achievement growth in… Evident in… Prep Year 2 studentsMathematics Online Interview Year 3 6 studentsVCAA On Demand for Number ATSI, LBOTE, New Arrivals and Refugee cohort students VCAA On Demand data
Key Findings Improved Student Outcomes Prep – Year 2 The percentage of students in the ‘at risk’ category by sections of the Mathematics Online Interview for March and September 2011
Key Findings Improved Student Outcomes Years 3-6 The average difference in expected growth in student achievement by year level and level of initiative implementation – March to September 2011
Key Findings Improved Student Cohort Outcomes The average difference in expected growth in student achievement by year level and level of initiative implementation – March to September 2011 LBOTE: Higher than the expected level, and higher than all other students in the project in both the 2009 and 2011 NAPLAN test ATSI: achieved scores well below other students on both the 2009 and 2011 NAPLAN test. Refugee: The small sample of Refugee students performed above the average in Years 3 and 4. New Arrivals: The data sample size was too small to make a reliable assessment of growth
Conclusion The average difference in expected growth in student achievement by year level and level of initiative implementation – March to September 2011 Future Focus on… Sustainability