D ESIGN M ULTI -P URPOSE B UILDING Technology and Engineering
W HAT IS M ULTI - PURPOSE BUILDING ? It is a building with spaces where people live, work, and have fun.
MAKE YOUR BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENT ! Ideas to think about Shape Colors Size and Number of Windows Location of Windows Shade Thermal Reservoir Solar Power
S HAPE : What shape your building would be? Rectangular prism, cylinder, sphere, or combination of multiple shapes? How does that help your building be more energy efficient?
C OLOR : What color(s) do you use for your building? Why did you choose the color(s)? How does that help your building be more energy efficient?
S IZE, SHAPE, LOCATION AND NUMBER OF W INDOWS : How big the windows would be? How many windows or what percent of your building would be windows? Why? What direction (North, South, East, West, North- East, etc.) do you put more windows? How does that help your building be more energy efficient?
S HADE Roof overhangs or tree can be designed to admit more sunlight in winter and less in summer. How does that help your building be more energy efficient?
T HERMAL R ESERVOIR Sometimes the floor or an internal wall of a house is built from stone or concrete or some similar material. These absorb and store heat during the day, then gradually release it at night, so the heater needs to do less work
A LTERNATIVE ENERGY Solar cells, windmills, biomass, hydro, geotermal, bloom box, etc.
P ARK ON TOP To save energy and to get clean water
C RITERIA FOR S UCCESS Define the problem Create scale drawings Design structure Energy Efficient Communicate Clearly
D EFINE THE PROBLEM Think about Lawrence. How can you make this community safer, healthier, and better place to live? What types of service or products you think people in your community need in this community?
D EFINE THE PROBLEM Problem clearly defined with list of criteria and constraints. Detailed list of research information, websites, pictures and descriptions of example buildings. Each of you must have different building idea.
P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Write a problem statement, which is a short description of the functions of the building that you think are needed. For example, “My teammates and I will design a building that...” Each team come up with a problem statement.
C RITERIA AND C ONSTRAINTS Criteria 4-story building, 1 underground floor Residential and business spaces 100ft by 100ft land Add more! Constraints Building codes Zoning laws
D EVELOP POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Based on the problem statement, criteria and constraints, each of you draw sketch of a building. List some ideas about What type(s) of business you invite to your building. What type(s) of rooms you have in your building (for singles, couples, or families) Explain why they are beneficial for your community.
C HOOSE THE B EST S OLUTION Each of you take turns sharing the sketches and ideas. Look for ways to incorporate the best ideas. Or use a Pugh chart if necessary
C REATE SCALE DRAWINGS Create floor plans and elevations. Each member is in charge of at least two plans. Use 1:144 (1 square on the paper means 1 square yards, which is equal to 9 square feet). Each plan must have Building element labeled Title block Every segment must be drawn with a ruler.
D RAWINGS SHOULD HAVE Floor plans for Basement 1 st to 4 th floor Rooftop Elevation Views for North, East, South and West view. Each student must be in charge of At least 1 floor plan AND 1 elevation view.
D ESIGN STRUCTURE Write one or two paragraphs to describe that your team chooses the color, shape, and size of the building.
E NERGY EFFICIENCY Describe several energy efficient features and illustrates how thermal energy flows through the building
W HAT STREET WOULD YOU BUILD AND W HY ? Pick a street in Lawrence to construct your building? Why did you pick a street? How do the building affect people and the community?
C OMMUNICATE CLEARLY Place all items on a trifold-presentation board. Drawings and model provide clear descript8ion of building design. Writing is clear and well-organized.