Boney Landmarks
These are important because they allow for muscle attachment and passage of nerves and vessels This allows for the direct connection between the muscular and skeletal system
Vocabulary-The Holes Foramen: a hole Fossa: a wide, smooth, concave surface Notch: an indentation
Vocabulary-The Bumps Process: a structure that sticks out like a pan handle Crest: a raised ridge of bone Tuberosity: a small, rough-to-the-touch bump Tubercle: a small, round bump that is smooth Trochanter: large, rough-to-the-touch projection Condyle: a large swelling on the epiphysis Epicondyle: a large swelling nearer to the “neck” of the bone
Clavicle Body
Ribcage Jugular notch
Vertebrae c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
Pelvis Obturator foramen Ischial tuberosity is your butt bone!
Humerus Olecranon process is on the opposite side of the coronoid process
Foot Hallux=big toe