Franchise Project Chris Weigl Garret Young
Oklahoma City, OK Pop. 579,999 29 th Largest City in the U.S History of Professional Sports Teams Thriving Decent soccer fan base in Metro and surrounding areas Culture- Oklahomans have proven that they support and stand behind their own Will play in Western Conference and be 20 th team in MLS and 10 th in Conference Where?
Benefits Financial Create more jobs Adds diversity to the city Another way to put Oklahoma on the map Competitors Collegiate sports OSU, Tulsa, OU etc. Other professional sports Thunder, Barons, Redhawks Benefits/Competitors
Strength Decent sized pop. History of franchises succeeding Decent soccer fan base Weakness Texas Southwest- football and baseball country Travel time for Tulsa area Other sports Opportunities Growing fan base New revenue streams Threats Other teams in the Midwest Collegiate sports Other professional sports Will it work? SWOT Analysis
Named after Oklahoma’s state bird Scissor Tailed Flycatcher Bird originated from the Latin word Muscivora “ devour” Represents swift and aggressive attackers
Blue is the Primary color represents the horizon line of the Midwest plains Paired with red to represents the color of Oklahoma clay Use of orange to satisfy ALL Oklahomans Colors
OKC Flyers
Silver Shield Symbolize strength Stylized Figure of the Scissor Tail Flycatcher Blue banner displaying the team name Clean, Sleek, Vibrant Logo
Flyer FC soccer stadium will initially hold 7,000 and will expand to 20,000. This soccer stadium will be built in brick town The expansion of brick town will help with the popularity of the Flyer stadium. Gives the community more activities to take part in OKC Flyer Arena
Temporarily the OKC Flyers will play their regular season games and playoff games at Pribil Stadium on the campus of Bishop McGuiness Catholic High School. Dec of 2014 the new stadium should be complete. Stadium
Target Markets Ethnic audiences male and females (20 yrs-30 yrs) Middle class families Looking for the “thing to do” or an inexpensive weekend outing. OKC Flyers will reach these markets by selling the spirit of the team and the city through the sport of soccer. Marketing
OKC Flyers will be marketed as the next BIG thing in the Oklahoma soccer community OKC Flyer reps will go to every big high school and college soccer games and give away free items and solicit information. PriceVsExperience Great experience for extremely low price. Low priced season tickets (VIP seating) Selling the Spirit
OKC Flyer Apparel Jerseys, Scarves, Socks, Hats, etc.. Social Media Twitter, Facebook page, Instagram Official OKC Flyer website OKC Flyer Reps Marketing team that will be at every major event in Oklahoma and Kansas. Awareness
What Kind of Fan Are You? PriceWhat do you receive? Extreme Fan$100T-shirt, scarf or Flag, Body Shop, and Noise Maker Avid Fan$75T-shirt, Scarf or Flag, Body Shop (option) First-Timer$50T-shirt, Scarf or Noise Maker Fan Celebration Packs The celebration packages allows the OKC Flyer fans to get involved in the game. Gives the fans a way to become a part of the culture of soccer.
The maximum budget charge for a single player is $368,750. Players occupying roster spots 1-24 will earn at least $46,500 in 2013 Players occupying roster spots will earn at least $35,125 in 2013 Our total budget for player salaries would be around 1.8 Million Budget
Revenue stream would come from TV contracts with ESPN and Fox Sports Most of the revenue will come from Sponsors and Ticket Sales. According to Forbes, around 90 percent of revenue for other MLS franchises comes from in-stadium revenue streams like tickets, sponsorships, luxury seating and non-MLS events Budget
Our objective for Attendance is to have an average of 18,000 fans per game We will strive to have a revenue stream close to 18 million over the next three to five years Our goal is to be considered an up-and-coming, exciting and young MLS franchise like the Oklahoma City Thunder is considered in the NBA Objectives