YouTube is on a Rampage… Times have changed and If you want to play on YouTube’s playground, then the time has come to play by their rules…


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Presentation transcript:

YouTube is on a Rampage… Times have changed and If you want to play on YouTube’s playground, then the time has come to play by their rules…

There are 3 types of situations here… 1)You are 100% brand new to YouTube and have NEVER opened an account before 2)You currently have 1 or multiple YouTube accounts that are active 3)Your YouTube account (s) have been disabled, suspended, deleted and now you hate YouTube ;)

1. Only 1 YouTube account on your ISP (internet service provider). More than one is asking for trouble! 2. Never EVER spam your video description, title or tags with keywords 3. Never EVER purchase YouTube views 4. Never EVER use software to add friends, comments, ratings automatically 5. Never EVER upload duplicate content 6. Use your channel for more than just marketing… provide real value and don’t make your channel look like a sales pitch 7. Think long-term with YouTube… you’re going to be using YouTube strictly for branding purposes

1. * Shut all but one down account ESPECIALLY if you created them all with the same address! 2. If the one YouTube account you’re going to keep has the same as any other account you’re deleting, create a new address and change your YouTube account’s address immediately 3. Call your ISP and see if you can get a new IP address (remember, only 1 YouTube account per IP and if you have multiple accounts, you will want to change your IP address immediately… verizon changed my IP immediately) 4. Same guidelines on the previous slide apply… no spammy videos, no friend adders, no buying views, no using software to automate anything, no duplicate content, and provide only value (no sales pitch!)

Thanks for your . Your "brianfanale" account has been found to have violated our Community Guidelines. Your account has now been terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts. YouTube staff review flagged videos 24 hours a day, seven days a week to determine whether they violate our Community Guidelines. When a video or account is brought to our attention we investigate and take action if necessary.We are unable to provide specific detail regarding your account suspension or your video's removal. For more information on our what we consider inappropriate content or conduct while using YouTube, please visit our Community Guidelines and Tips at and our Help Center articleat nswer= Regards, The YouTube Team

You can them to their support desk and request that they reinstate your channels (I know of only 1 person this has worked for) If they you back and tell you no… Then it’s time to START COMPLETELY OVER!

1. Get a new IP address from your ISP. On top of receiving a new IP, I personally went as far as to have a friend who lives on the other side of the states open a YouTube account for me on her IP address... Just make sure that they personally don’t have a YouTube Channel. 2. If you can’t get your ISP to give you a new IP address, you’ll want to get a friend to open your new YouTube account on their IP like I did. 3. If all else fails here on the IP front, you can look into proxy servers, which essentially allows you to hide your real IP to the rest of the internet (do your research on these first, but these are 2 examples): ($30.00 / yr)

4. * New address entirely. Once your YouTube account is suspended so is the address that was used to create it! 5. Do NOT use an address with your name in it if your name was tagged to the YouTube account (s) that got suspended 6. You will have to create the new channel under a new name, which you may have to make up. For example, instead of me using my real name “brian fanale” to open my new channel, I’d use “bryan finaley”when first creating my channel. *** YOUTUBE WILL NOT LET YOU BACK ON YOUTUBE AS YOU IF YOU’VE BEEN SUSPENDED! Nobody will ever see this name anyway *** 7. Do NOT use your full real name in the channel profile if that name opened a channel that has been previously suspended… just use your first name only… For example, in the channel profile I’d say, “Hi, my name is Brian, welcome to my channel, etc because my name “brian fanale” has already been suspended.

8. ** Open only ONE account and stick to ONLY ONE! 9. ** Whatever your link was that you had on your profile, DO NOT USE THE SAME ONE! Get a different one and direct people there! 10. Do NOT upload any of the saved videos you may have that were up on your YouTube accounts that got deleted (you can however make tiny changes to these and you’ll be fine ;) If you upload the same videos YouTube will find you!

11. No more tubeblasterpro or ANY YouTube software 12. No more spammy descriptions, titles, and keyword tags 13. No more purchasing views (we never endorsed this anyways so hopefully this wasn’t the reason you got shut down) 14. No more using Traffic Geyser in conjunction with YouTube (show example…YouTube is only 1 video hosting site) 15. Provide only value, no more sales pitch! 16. Use your new YouTube channel to brand YOU and that’s it to ensure your channel stays active!

1. Can you still use some of the strategies we’ve gone over in the past with YouTube and creating a bunch of channels with specific company names in the channel name? YES! (* OUTSOURCE *… we’re testing out a company now!) 2. Provide value and build your online presence / brand. 3. No more auto-software 4. No more spam 5. No more friend stealers 6. No buying views 7. Only 1 account with 1 address 8. *** PLAY NICE ON YOUTUBE FROM NOW ON! YOU HAVE BEEN FAIR WARNED BY MLSP SO MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL ACTIVE! ***