Operation Family Doc aims to connect every Canadian Armed Forces family with a family doctor.
Needs Enhance continuity of careEnhance continuity of care Expedite specialist referralsExpedite specialist referrals Expedite access to prescriptionsExpedite access to prescriptions Eliminate reliance on drop-in clinicsEliminate reliance on drop-in clinics and hospital emergency rooms and hospital emergency rooms for family healthcare for family healthcare
Who can apply? Families of serving CAF membersFamilies of serving CAF members Releasing or recently released CAF members and their familiesReleasing or recently released CAF members and their families
Procedure for Family Referrals 1.Submit OFD Family Referral form 2.OFD determines best available match 3.OFD sends referral to physician 4.OFD s physician’s contact details to family 5.Family contacts their new physician
How to apply? Online Phone (613) Phone (613) Fax (613) Fax (613) In person at MFRC-NCR, 330 Croil PrivateIn person at MFRC-NCR, 330 Croil Private
Referral Parameters Families are connected with a physician based on: Clinic practice parameters (age, catchment area)Clinic practice parameters (age, catchment area) Doctor preference: male or femaleDoctor preference: male or female Special requestsSpecial requests Postal codePostal code LanguageLanguage
Confidentiality Minimum intake information is collectedMinimum intake information is collected Files are treated as confidentialFiles are treated as confidential
Physician Recruitment
Challenges Building partnerships with:Building partnerships with: QC docs ON docs accepting QC patients who speak French ON docs who will bill RAMQ directly 28 patients waiting for a physician in Ontario28 patients waiting for a physician in Ontario 396 patients waiting for a physician in Quebec396 patients waiting for a physician in Quebec (296 who are with ON docs)
Navigating Healthcare
Successes 695 families registered (1417 patients)695 families registered (1417 patients) 165 physicians in 53 locations165 physicians in 53 locations 1286 referrals to date1286 referrals to date
Adopted Resolution 146 th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Medical Association August Calgary The Canadian Medical Association supports the right of family members of Canadian military personnel and retiring/releasing military members and their families to have continuous access to local physicians as they relocate to new military bases and communities across Canada. (DM 5-3)
DND/CAF Ombudsman Recommendation 15 to assist military families to obtain better access to healthcare: Establishing a dedicated function at all Military Family Resource Centres charged with assisting incoming CAF families with obtaining access to and continuity of healthcare. On the Homefront: Assessing the Well-being of Canada’s Military Families in the New Millennium
Initiatives Increase presence in CAF community –SCAN & MEDSCAN Seminars –VAC –Unit Orientations –Engage other MFRCs Increase OFD presence in Medical communities –Family Medicine Forum –AMO Clinic Day / AMO PTSD Teaching Seminar –Marketing Campaign *Quebec* Increase OFD parameters –Special needs –Youth Mental Health Initiative OFD on the Web