SMART CITY eu Festivals as part of urban new media interventions throughout Europe Anne-Marie Autissier Institute of European Studies, Paris VIII
FROM DEDALE TO SMART CITY Dedale is a platform promoting production and experimentation in the field of new medias European resource centre Workshops and conferences D-lab, projects’ incubator and artistic residency programme
Emergences festival Since 2002, Dedale has initiated and organised the « Emergence » digital arts festival in Paris every year - in September - and every two years, in the frame of La Villette Numerique Biennal.
PUBLIC FRENCH FUNDINGS DEDALE is funded by : The French Ministry of Culture and Communication The French Ministry for Research and New Technologies The région Ile-de-France Ville de Paris
Private partners Hewlet-Packard NEC Sony Orange :
Main objectives As far as digital and new media arts are concerned, Dedale encourages : 1 - collaboration between digitalization experts with artists, cultural professionals and institutions, research labs and academic networks and inhabitants. 2 - the creative work « in situ », based on a precise knowledge of a district, an area or a neighbourhood.
DEVELOPMENT PHASES Identification of intervention territories (with local actors) ° Arts projects selection (with the Art Comittee) ° Urban survey (with architects, artists, urban planners, sociologists) ° Production implementation
EMERGENCES Festival More than 30 artists in the 5th edition From September 26th up to 29th, 2007, Paris Electro-music concerts Installations Ephemeral radio Mobile art Urban game art Locative art Lectures with the Cité internationale
Smart cities eu design The idea is to organize - all year long - A set of workshops, conferences, selected projects’ production, lectures, Cooperation with universities (Paris I Art in public space Master and L’Ecole du Paysage de Versailles A festival in Paris and other EU cities
LIST OF EUROPEAN PARTNERS Wro +Wro Art Center, Wroclaw, PolandWro +Wro Art Center, Wroclaw, Poland Funded by the municipality of Wroclaw Zoneattive, Rome, Italy Born in 1999 on the initiative of the City ° Altart, Cluj, Romania Created in 1988 by a group of artists
ASSOCIATED PARTNERS Videomedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia Founded in Recyclart, Brussels, Belgique Funded in 1997 by the Municipality of Brussels Kibla, Maribor, Slovenia Founded in 1996 Waag Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Founded in 1994
EXPECTED AUDIENCES The Emergence festival has about persons by evening + all the exhibitions and conferences attended. On the whole, the organisers expect about visitors for all European events, including lectures and workshops.
CONCLUSION DEDALE wants to focus on North-East of Paris. They are settled in La maison de la Villette, Cité des Sciences. According to them, festivals are a priviledged moment in a series of activities, developed all year long with inhabitants and urban experts. The idea is to design the city all together. BUT SOME CLOUDS ARE GATHERING IN FRENCH DIGITAL ARTS’ SKY
115 ECM centres in France Labomedia in Orléans : Acts as a free ICT trainer for inhabitants; Animates a recycling workshop, to provide inhabitants with creative common software and contents; Offers residencies to French and foreign artists; Organizes a free festival - « La Fête 01 »; Notably cooperates with with Transmediale (Berlin); Has just lost its annual funding by the French Ministry of Culture euros. Some years after launching Espace Culture Media (ECM), the government wants to stop the experimental, critical and artistic aspect of it.
CONCLUSIONS Dedale and other organisations try and create a collaborative design for urban spaces, together with inhabitants. Festivals here appear a a climax in a regular activity based on worshops, lectures, cooperation with universities. Such an activity needs a continuus and open support. In France, there is no evidence that local authorities can replace the State’s intervention for an experimental, collective and critical appropriation of ICT urban knowledge.