Smart Cities and Communities Urban platforms Experience from leading European cities Svetoslav Mihaylov Smart Cities and Sustainability Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technologies (CONNECT) European Commission
Agenda City interoperability/Urban platform/H2020 EIP on SCC action sub-cluster on urban platforms Survey on Urban platforms Memorandum of Understanding on Urban Platforms Major European Cities experience
City interoperability Urban platform H2020 SCC03 call Our basic assumption is that Cities will, with all probability, provide an Urban Platform on which most City Applications and Services will run. This platform will be the main backbone for many existing sector systems (like Energy Efficient Buildings, Smart Grid, Intelligent Transport Systems, eHealth Systems) and many new applications and systems specifically designed for the City.
European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities Business Models Citizen Focus Sustainable Urban Mobility Integrated Planning Integrated Infrastructures Sustainable Districts Humble Lamppost Urban Platform Cross-city Transformation Survey on Urban Platforms Action Clusters Sub Clusters
SURVEY ON URBAN PLATFORMS A 30 question survey sent out to a wide range of cities Cities WITH an UP Cities WITHOUT an UP 29 Cities 12 Countries In total, Cities with 28 million citizens Budapest Sitges Valencia Bucharest Edinburgh London Aveiro Ghent Castellón Tampere Tirana Bari Ipswich Barcelona Lamia Arnhem Santander Peterborough Kammena Vourla Andalusia Amfikleia Domokos Santiago Murcia Cambridgeshire Algés Siracusa 75% Without UP 1. Poor knowledge of the landscape / lack of confidence in cities 2.Cities struggle to get the silos to work together, so prohibiting action 3.Cities suffer budget constraints
Industry Initiative facilitated by the European Commission Big, small and diverse industry organisations Workshop in Brussels on 27 April Signed at the General Assembly of the EIP on SCC in Berlin on May 21 st in the presence of commissioner Oettinger Fully committed to work openly with cities Ambitious goals: By 2018, create a strong EU city market for Urban Platforms By m residents of EU cities use Urban Platform Roadmap 2 Stakeholder Reference Groups – Consumer and Industry Memorandum of Understanding
Develop a set of principles and a joint reference architecture framework Develop a joint data and service ontology Accelerate the adoption by standardisation bodies Standards/reference framework compliant Smart Cities commercial products and solutions Develop with cities tailored operational frameworks (both for installation and servicing phases) Memorandum of Understanding - Goals Interoperability, Replicability, Scalability, Open common interface (APIs) and corresponding tools (SDK), Set of functional capabilities and corresponding technical modules based on city needs and use cases
SURVEY ON URBAN PLATFORMS Market Insights Procurement Barriers EIP General Assembly CITY NEEDSTECH PROVIDERS ACTION PLAN MoU from Industry How it fits into the action cluster plan
Major European cities experience Based on visits to London, Barcelona and Berlin Citizen in the centre – technology follows Full blown dedicated ICT departments Urban Platforms and ontologies Open interfaces (and often open source) Export model Dynamics municipality-greater city area-regional- national Smart parking
London London 2050 infrastructure plan Platforms - Datastore (since 2010), Transport for London city mobility platform since Open standards (CKAN – open-source) Open data - Anybody can access the data and create an app – 2 days to create 2 apps Example apps – where to live in London, multimodal transport Greater London Authority – strategic coordination 33 boroughs Need common data store Cooperation not always easy Catapults created to foster app development
Barcelona Barcelona 5.0 European Innovation Capital Award SCC1 project winner – 2014 22 smart city programs, 200 projects 3 city platforms Move towards common platforms 26 municipalities Catalonia region See need to work on EU level Budget surplus, EIC award, private capital, etc. Impact on GDP, jobs, attractiveness
Barcelona Urban Platform Open source 5000 growing to 100s of thousands (e.g. parking)
Berlin Smart city strategy approved April 2015 Several platforms Not converging Operated and funded by the city Working with partners (e.g. Fraunhofer) Open data platform Berlin (CKAN, ontology, >600 data sets,,, collaborative electric mobility and shared utilisation of resources, many sources – one output mobility) B2B mobility platform (e.g. smart parking) Authentication platform (common interface and access to all charging stations, operational since April 2015)
More information on: MoU on Urban Platforms: understanding-towards-open-urban-platforms-smart-cities-and- communities Integrated Infrastructure cluster: Survey on Urban Platforms: understanding-towards-open-urban-platforms-smart-cities-and- communities
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SCC3 Reason - avoid entry barriers and/or vendor lock-in The focus of this standardisation exercise is to identify, and in case of need develop, a subset of open standards that are considered to be essential for any City Platform, so that: A) the vertical interoperability requirements towards (i) sectorial systems and (ii) city applications and services with the platform are well defined B) the adaptation of city applications and services from city platform to city platform is minimised
SCC3 General vision