FI-WARE Exploitation Business Value
FI-WARE Business Value Objectives We are preparing a new ecosystem where we and others can deploy new internet services. A technical platform FI-WARE platform A business platform framework With partners in call 2 A business ecosystem Created around them
A platform for all…. 2 People Businesses Consumers Open APIs Apps/Services Provider Apps/Services Developer Platform Provider
…..with a modular design 3 Each Architecture Chapter in FI- WARE will lead to definition of a set of GEs GE specifications are open (public and royalty-free) There might be multiple compliant implementations
A Business platform…. Connect apps to the physical world Manage data at large scale and transform it into knowledge Reach target users, monetize Benefit from other users. Open systems, cocreationt Keep investment in infrastructures lower and under control Ensuring Privacy, Security and trust
…to foster innovation in the application and service provider domain.
Building the FI-WARE ecosystem…. FI-WARE Catalogue FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab Instruction for creation of dedicated GE instances using a GE Instance Factory Instructions for using Multi-tenant GE instance Shared FI-WARE Instance (Capacity Building) Trial 1 Trial 2 Commercial FI-WARE Instance Specific FI-WARE Instances
…through FI-WARE Open Innovation work… Network of FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab Backend Datacenters ID providers Location platform SMART Home LabSMART City LabSMART Biz Lab Experimental Facilities
Use terms and conditions …and under “Use Terms and Conditions” described in the FI-WARE Catalogue Overview Experiments/trials within the FI-PPP External availability Open Innovation Lab
FI-WARE in a nutshell A portable solution Made of independent but interdependent modules Standardized All APIs and a great number of elements will be open Software Open Supported by major vendors and Telco providers Future A sound and trustworthy design.
Partners´ initial exploitation interests FI-WARE partners´ exploitation interest Smart Cities - 3rd Parties - Partner Ecosystem ISPs Enterprise customers Telecom operators The consortium is seriously committed to exploit: -Some in parts of FI-WARE to improve current service portfolio (M2M, Big Data..) -Others in FI-WARE as a whole (Smart Cities case…)
11 Smart city opportunity….. From a traditional vertical solution… One ICT (device-network-IT) solution for each service No synergies Non re-usable or scalable solutions Traditional ICT business model …to holistic horizontal solutions: the smart city Service N Service 1 Service 2 Network N Network 1 Network 2 Intelligence layer 1 Intelligence layer 2 Intelligence layer N Device N Device 1 Device 2 Open participation to new services and users New ICT business model enabled New services based on synergies Scalable, normalized and modular technological model Smart Devices Smart Connectivity Smart City Platform Service N Service 1 Service 2 Enabled horizontal services
City Council Service Operator Business & entrepreneurs Smart City as a service Revenue sharing in new taxes, tickets, fees or fines Up front investment IT as part of PPP for Smart Cities Up front investment Smart City as a service Revenue sharing Smart City platform use: apps, cloud, trafic, etc. Target customers ….with different business models for Smart Cities depending on final user Monetization schemeSegments Villages, rural & mini Smart Cities Mega-polis (> 5 MM citizens) Big cities (> 1MM citizens) Cities (> 100k citizens) Product strategy Multinational operator National operator Local operator End user / customer owners (B2B2C, Endesa, Zara, etc.) Entrepreneurs (apps. developers, etc.) Local merchants and retailers Project solution based on partnerships, platforms and app. integration IT integration Smart City Platform E2E standardized solutions Small IT integration Project solution, platforms and app. integration IT integration E2E standardized solutions Access to Smart City info E2E solutions Access to Smart City info Smart City Platform 12
Some intial contacts Telefonica / Atos The city of Málaga has offered its sensors networks Presentation of FI-WARE at Green Cities event Malaga Ericsson Stockholm Royal Seaport, Smart Energy, Electro Mobility, Healthcare and other use cases. Dublin, Ireland Stockholm, Sweden Intel The Intel Energy and Sustainability Lab is engaged with Dublin City Council and other partnersNice Cöte d'Azur – France Dublin France Telecom Nice Cote d'Azur is a group of 37 cities with various smart initiatives. a sensors network (France Telecom trial) Cote d’Azur France Telecom France Telecom is involved in some national smart energy projects which are under evaluation by French Authorities Lyon Telefonica Explained to Seville the possibilities offered by installing the Testbed there. Good reaction from SMEs Seville Telefonica Santander is a major test bed for the smart city Santander Telefonica Capital of Olympic Games of the Mediterraneo Tarragona
Thanks !! 14
Exploitation plans CompanycustomerscommercializationMain assets TelefonicaSmart city and other customers Platform provider Application provider service operator Several cities contacted Big data IoT SAP- PPP-Partner - 3rd Parties - Partner Ecosystem Permissive Open Source SAP product enhancement USDL, USDL Tools, Marketplace IBMEnterprise customers Cloud services into platform Cloud ThalesEnterprise customers Security services into platform Trust and security Telecom ItalySmart city and other customers Platform provider Application provider service operator Several cities contacted IoT Context broker
Exploitation plans CompanycustomerscommerzializationMain assets France TelecomSmart city and other customers Platform provider Application provider service operator Several cities contacted IoT Data broker NSNTelecom operatorsIncluded into FI-WARE offering Network Services Deutsche TelecomEnterprise customers Application provider Network services Trust and security; network services TechnicolorISPHome services through platform Cloud edge EricssonTelecom operatorsIncluded into FI-WARE offering Network services ATOS Smart cities and Enterprise customers Tailored end to end IT solutions Through use cases Several cities contacted Consulting, System Integrator services
Explotation plans CompanycustomerscommerzializationMain assets EngineeringEnterprise customers Through use cases Several cities contacted Tools ALUTelecom operators Direct offering and Included into FI-WARE Network services SiemensEnterprise customers Direct offering and Included into FI-WARE Data and context mgt. IntelEnterpriseDirectNetwork NEC Telecom Operators, Smart Cities Included into FI-WARE offering M2M. IoT