Traditional Tales Year 1 Spring Term 1 2014 Literacy Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Fairy tale fact sheet recording the main features of the story. Pie.


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Presentation transcript:

Traditional Tales Year 1 Spring Term Literacy Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Fairy tale fact sheet recording the main features of the story. Pie Corbett text mapping and sequencing. Porridge instruction writing. A Chair for Baby Bear – Role play the conversation between the bears. Non fiction writing about a new chair to replace the broken one. Complete story plan including beginning, problem and solution. The Three Little Pigs – Fairy tale fact sheet how does this compare to week 1? Character focus – good and bad characters. Use of descriptive language and synonyms. The Three Billy Goats Gruff – Compare and contrast similarities and differences using the fairy tale fact sheet. Explore different ways of presenting the story e.g. animation, puppet show and audio/visual ICT. Jack and the Beanstalk (2 weeks) – The first week will retell the story through a Pie Corbett text map. Mind map and discuss characters. Identify the main events in the story. The second week will focus on changing aspects of the story with a special focus on the giant. Numeracy Number and Calculation – Order and write numbers to 100 and beyond. Shape, space and measures – Recognise and name properties and features of 3D shapes. Number and Calculation – Add and take away 1 to and from any number. Number and Calculation – Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Number and Calculation – Coin recognition and making totals using different coins. Handling Data – Sorting using different criteria. Weekly problem solving activities and investigations. Access to a variety of numeracy games and websites including ‘mathletics’ and ‘bbc bitesize’ on the netbooks and smartboard. Art/DT Design and make a new chair for Baby Bear. Make a safe house for the Three Pigs Changing the shape of objects using dough – making salt dough bears, pigs and goats. Observe these changes. Make ‘Jack’ moving pictures. Humanities Investigating the local environment – houses around us. Talk a walk around the estate to identify different style of house. Science Materials – Naming and describing properties of a variety of materials. Sorting materials into groups. Naming and investigating everyday objects that we use. Test resistance of a variety of houses to the ‘Wolf’s Blow’. Whole class ‘Bean’ planting. Problem solving – Explore properties and choose best material for making a new chair. R.E/Music/SMSC links Judaism and Christianity Facts about Jews and Christians. To know about important Jewish artefacts, the creation story and Shabbat. Weekly singing and percussion sessions. SEAL – Good to be me. ICT Using film clips to support story telling. Access ‘Mathletics’ using the notebooks. Using the writing and drawing packages on the laptops to write and annotate simple sentences. Work on developing the use of various control buttons. Phonics games. Use of Ipads to film story telling. Global dimensions Whole school science fortnight. Weekly Spanish sessions. Houses around the world – using the internet to find out about how different building. PE Indoor – Linking a sequence of movements and perform across the apparatus. Outdoor – Carousel of activities to develop sending and receiving.