Digital Curation in Architecture Curricula and vocational training for Architects The DEDICATE Framework in Architectural CAD Courses Design by Dr Ian Anderson and Dr Ruggero Lancia HATII (Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute) University of Glasgow
CAD/CAM in Architectural Education CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS 70s 80s 90s Today Widely diffused informal training often focused on the use of the most diffused CAD packages Lack of a specific CAD education in Architecture curricula Training and post-grad qualifications in advanced CAD modelling offered by Architecture Schools Idiosyncratic CAD systems CAD packages on microcomputers Democratisation of CAD systems Expert Architectural use of CAD systems
Curatorial Issues in Architectural Practices ● Architects do not see the need for neither curating their digital data beyond the finalisation of Design nor consistently managing digital products during the design process; ● Specific, contextually and professionally competent knowledge is required for handling architectural digital data; ● Post-hoc curation's agreed procedures are biased toward the mission, competences and means of Archives; ● Built Environment related digital data bear numerous and unresolved curatorial issues. CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS
Architect's Commercial and Legal Responsibilities for Digital Curation ● Emerging Building Information Modelling (BIM) regulations: ● Public Investors; ● Building Control Authorities. ● Commercial liability: ● Paper documentation vs digital native documentation. CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS
Digital Curation & Professional Opportunities for Architects ● Respond to political and commercial opportunities for professional development: ● to reach institutional clients; ● to enter the market of integrated manufacture of building elements; ● to adopt collaborative and concurrent Design procedures. CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS
The DEDICATE framework CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS Investigating Defining Testing Policies Requirements Procedures Common Sustainable Framework Loss risk Reusability impediment Scarce interoperability Absent legal management Data Audit (DAF) Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA) Scripted Analysis CASPAR/PLANETS Project Partners Feedback
Digital Curation Module Design – Management Tasks - CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS (CREATE) to plan and implement consistent curatorial procedures along the digital design workflows; (APPRAISE) to formulate data appraisal and selection criteria against a set of economical and professional objectives to formalise information disposal procedures; (INGEST) to manage the ingestion of digital assets according to agreed curatorial policies to ensure data authoritativeness persistence and accessibility; (PRESERVATION) to establish preservation policies according to professional and legal needs to implement preservation procedures on the assets held in the repository; (STORE) to manage the persistent feasibility of data storage; (ACCESS) to monitor and restrict privileges for data access and reuse according to professional and legal requirements; (TRANSFORM) to plan and implement procedures to track the data reuse and transformation according to good practices in IPR management.
Digital Curation Module Design - Technical Skills - CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS (CREATE) expert knowledge of formats, data structure and digital design computing procedures; (APPRAISE) advanced knowledge of metadata standards and data quality assessment; (INGEST) thorough knowledge of both the purpose and the originating digital work flow of data; (PRESERVATION) understanding of preservation routines function and strategies; (STORE) knowledge of repository architectures options; (ACCESS) understanding of the techniques and procedures for privileges based data access; (TRANSFORM) knowledge of data watermarking, cryptographic techniques options and format migration issues.
Foreseen Effects of Digital Curation education on the Architect profession ● Enhanced control over commercial exploitation of Digital Design Products (effective IPR management); ● Technically aware use of CAD technologies (streamlined digital workflows); ● Profession renewal (Architect as content provider in the Digital Cultural Market). CONTEXTISSUES EMERGENCIESOPPORTUNITIESDEDICATE COURSE DESIGN CONCLUSIONS
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