avian flu By Garrett Knopp
Avian Flu The Avian Flu is a flu that is transmitted by bird, and can be spread to human by human to. It is very rare for it to kill you as if treated properly, you will survive.
symptoms symptoms include: cough fever sore throat muscle aches headache shortness of breath. In some cases a mild eye infection (conjunctivitis).
transmission It can be transmitted by alive, sickly looking poultry and wild birds such as: duck, goose, chicken, guinea fowl, ostrich and songbirds. It can also be contracted by consumables such as raw eggs and raw poultry.
cures/treatment Medicine such as oseltamivir can help cure the avian flu. There is a cure being held by the government, but only if there was an outbreak would the government use it.
credits n_influenza/en/