Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 1 of Organization Planning Retreat “The aims and purposes of the Parish are to keep, practice and proclaim the Orthodox Christian Faith pure and undefiled” Strategic Planning Committee: Rev. Fr. Anastasios Bourantas, Presbyter Michael Pahides Pete Tahopoulos Luthar Budike, Jr President: Nick Voutsakis
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 2 of 20 Agenda Opening (15 min) Update on Goals (20 min) – Survey Review of Accomplishments (10 Min) Discussion of Gaps (10 Min) New Goals for the Church (5 Min) Action Items from Last Meeting (10 Min) Review of Organization Goals (20 Min) Master Calendar Update (20 Min)
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 3 of 20 Purpose and Mission of the Church To keep and proclaim, pure and undefiled, the Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition in conformity with the doctrine, canons, worship, discipline and customs of the Church.
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 4 of 20 Core Values “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...” (Mark 10:45) ΛEΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ (LITOURGIA) WORSHIP ΚΟΙΝΟΝΙΑ (KOINONIA) FELLOWSHIP ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ (MARTYRIA) WITNESS ΔΙΑΚΟΝΙΑ (DIAKONIA) SERVICE “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand” (Psalm 95:6-7) “Behold how good and pleasing it is when brothers dwell in unity.” (Psalm 133) “For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.” (Acts 22:15)
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 5 of 20 Vision for St. George Parish Create a community that promotes spiritual (Litourgia) and cultural growth (Koinonia) and education Provide community activities to strengthen fellowship of parishioners of all ages (Martyria) Outreach and ministry to the local, national, and worldwide community (Diakonia)
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 6 of 20 Response to Growth Ongoing Need for Planning Increased Coordination Alignment of Goals Provide for the Future Why?
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 7 of 20 Leadership Development Knowledge of our Faith Group Dynamics Inclusiveness Mentoring Transition/Succession Planning
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 8 of 20 Knowledge Management Develop and Formalize Procedures (i.e. established Standard Operating Procedures) Documentation Communications (Web Site, , weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter) Info Capture –Demographics, , and etc –Parishioners interests and talents Knowledge management – sharing knowledge makes us more effective organization
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 9 of 20 Financial Annual Budget Stewardship: Goal = Operating Budget for Church –Critical Priority –Multi-year effort educational effort –Automation for Collections and Payments Fundraising Programs - currently used for Operating Budget: Goals = funds for Capital Expenditures and quality events Create Fundraising and Development Plan
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 10 of 20 Planning Objectives Meet with leadership of each affiliated group and community at large Gather input and determine their priorities –Conduct Survey Maintain open communications Develop Short (1-2 years) and Long (3-5+) Term Goals Meet with affiliated groups annually –Submit Plan/Activities with Calendar dates –Submit Leadership (including Board Member listing)
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 11 of 20 Annual Planning Process Workshop/Retreat w/community leadership (SEPTEMBER) Budget Approval (OCTOBER) –Budget Submission Date Deadline = October 1 Stewardship (NOVEMBER) Pre-Planning & Mid-Year Review Improved Communication Process –Master Calendar with group updates as coordinating mechanism –Publish Leadership Directory
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 12 of 20 Action Items from Mid Year Review Submission of contact information for organization leadership and members with /telephone submit to Church Secretary by date October 1, 2005) Organizational specific content for publication on St. George Web Site ( submit to Church Secretary by November 1, Mid-Year Review (Spring 2006) Assignments: Review/Validate Current Calendar Advanced scheduling for Events Short and Long Term Goals and Objectives Budget
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 13 of 20 Father’s Establish a “Young at Heart” Organization Assist in evolving the organizational skills of our Goyan Focus on Sunday School and other youth group improvements Parish Council Completing the Site Plan (Parking and Sewer Tie-In) Major Fund-raising effort for our expansion Continuing the organizational improvement in our church Goals from Mid Year Review
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 14 of 20 Action Item Management Operational Facilities Committee Develop Functional Committee Structure Bylaws Compliant and Revisions Update Parish Software // Data Base Increase Custodian Support Levels Increase Festival Net Income Additional Parish Council Goals
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 15 of 20 Vision for St. George Parish Create a community that promotes spiritual (Litourgia) and cultural growth (Koinonia) and education Provide community activities to strengthen fellowship of parishioners of all ages (Martyria) Outreach and ministry to the local, national, and worldwide community (Diakonia)
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 16 of 20 - Each organization will present and list their short term and long term goals to the leadership group Review of Organizational Goals
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 17 of 20 General Discussion - Let’s spend some time identifying problems // issues that your organization is currently facing and gaps within your group Gaps // Concerns
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 18 of 20 Issues Related to Planning Competition for Attendance Frequency Competition for Volunteers Volunteer Burn-out Competition for Donations Competition for Fund Raising Raffle Tickets, Event Ticket Sales, Ad Books Sales Competition with other outside Community Events Lack of Coordination, Consideration, and Support
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 19 of 20 Recommended Guidelines for Event Planning Events is in alignment with Strategic Planning and Church Goals and Events for the year Event should clearly stated Goals and Objectives Financial, Fellowship and/or Cultural Event Planners need to mindful of the competition for resources (time, talent, $$$$) Advanced Event Scheduling Events should be: inclusive (recruit new volunteers), and provide appropriate mentoring Consider Youth in all Event Planning Include outside communities in our events Organizations need mobilize volunteers for Major Church Events Parish Council and Father resolves schedule conflicts
Greek Orthodox Church of St George Media, Pennsylvania September 9, 2006 Sheet 20 of 20 Update Master Calendar Identify and Record Major CHURCH Fundraisers/Events By Month, By Organization Record both firm and tentative Event dates. Review and resolve conflicts Conflicts not resolved will be handles Offline with Father and PC President Master Calendar maintained electronically and published on the web site.