Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection Parish Development Proposal
Content Executive Summary Goals Structure Parish Development Chairs Committees involved in the effort
Executive Summary The problem Members of our parish frequently feel as they are constantly being asked for funds and are not easily able to differentiate between the requests. If a single strategy is developed and communicated to our community, we will be able to better focus on Stewardship as the single major source of operating funds, while concurrently managing efforts for necessary capital improvements and other one time financial needs. Proposed objectives The objective of this initiative closely resembles at least a subset of the stated goals of the Archdiocese Department of Parish Development: Raising Funds for Capital Improvement Expanding Stewardship Seeking Grants for Parish Programs Establishing a Parish Endowment
Parish Development Initiative: Goals Strategy / Coordination Ensure the financial well being of the Church of the Holy Resurrection, so that the ministries of the parish can remain its highest priority. Ensure that both the operating and strategic fundraising efforts are well- coordinated, so that those being asked to help sustain and progress parish ministries understand the distinction and the need for both. Education Educate the members and friends of the Church of the Holy Resurrection about Operating expenses of our parish and our need for their support in meeting these expenses. Where various requests for funds fit into parish finances Stewardship Capital Fundraising Special Projects Marketing Work with all relevant committee chairs to ensure consistent message is delivered regarding finances.
Structure Fr. John Vlahos & Executive CommitteeParish Development ChairsStewardship Fair Share Committee Membership Committee Parish Finances Finance Committee Iconography Committee Facilities Rentals & Special Events
Parish Development Chairs The Parish Development chairs would have the following responsibilities: Develop a communication strategy for the parish regarding Stewardship and Capital Fundraising Work with relevant committees to ensure that a consistent message is being delivered in all parish communications. Coordinate communications and activities between these committees With parish committees & Executive Committee: Define both income and expense targets on an annual basis. Stewardship Special Events & Capital Fundraising Capital Expenses / Mortgage Reduction Recommend to Parish Council a consistent mechanism for recognition of donors. Develop a plan for educating parish on goals of Stewardship. Annual Stewardship Drive Ongoing communication via Town Halls, Koinonia, correspondence Work with the Archdiocese Department of Parish Development to determine how their efforts can assist our parish
Roles: Fair Share Chairs Traditional Fair Share responsibilities Coordinate operational aspects of Fair Share fundraising: Phone calls and letters to solicit Fair Share contributions Reporting back to Parish Council, Parish Development Chairs, et al on Year To Date actuals vs. Budget. Trend Analysis and Reporting Responsible for confirming members in good standing for General Assemblies and Elections Parish Development Ensure that Fair Share communications are consistent with message developed by Parish Development chairs Work with Parish Development chairs to develop Stewardship targets that will be used, in turn, for budget and other forecasts.
Roles: Membership Chairs Traditional Membership & Outreach responsibilties Plan and arrange events to welcome potential new members. Provide materials to assist in outreach to potential new members. Develop programs for assisting new members in becoming acclimated to parish. Parish Development Work with Fair Share and Parish Development Chairs to engage new members into Stewardship efforts Ensure that communication to new members is consistent with message developed by Parish Development Chairs
Roles: Finance Chairs Traditional Finance responsibilities Approval of expenses Monthly P&L and Balance Sheet Monthly/Quarterly cash flow projections Parish Development Agree with Parish Development chairs on use of Income from items outside of operating budget Income above operating budget Festival Special Events Facilities Rentals
Roles: Iconography Chairs Capital Fundraising responsibilities Based on scope defined by Fr. John, develop budget for iconography Project Develop policy for assessing surcharge on iconography donations to enable mortgage reduction Manage collection of pledged funds Parish Development Report back to Parish Development Chairs on progress, issues.
Next Steps Executive Committee Present proposed structure to Parish Council Determine whether by-law changes are required Parish Development Chairs Develop Plan for Communication to Parish With EC, Committee Chairs as appropriate Review with Fr. John, EC Kick-off effort Parish Development Conference?