Anaerobic Respiration Glycolysis Fermentation
Anaerobic Respiration Anaerobic respiration : O 2 NOT required Glucose: pyruvate and small amount of ATP ATP production ends glycolysis Pyruvate is converted into other molecules (fermentation) Fermentation/ Lactate Net ATP =2 Anaerobic Respiration Aerobic Respiration Citric acid cycle= Krebs cycle Net ATP=36
Vocab Fermentation : a cell has a short supply of oxygen (a body is running at full speed away from a lion ) will not use anaerobic respiration but will start fermentation Fermentation extends glycolysis with extra reactions that replenish NAD +, Keeps glycolysis running producing small amounts of ATP.
Two Types of Fermentation Lactic acid fermentation happens in bacteria, fungi, and animal cells. an anaerobic fermentation reaction In activities that require high amount of glucose to be consumed by our muscles (exercise), energy is obtained from anaerobic metabolism of pyruvate and the by-product is lactate
Two Types of Fermentation Lactic acid fermentation When we exercise, the amount of lactate produced exceeds the rate at which the muscles can remove it leads to an uncomfortable, burning sensation in the muscles, especially those of the arms and legs, and is not responsible for the muscle soreness experienced by the person the day after. In fact, the burning sensation is just a warning sign that we are doing something that is a bit too hot to handle for our muscles. Lactate The terms "lactate" and "lactic acid" are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference: lactic acid is an acid, which means it can release a hydrogen ion and bind with a positively charged sodium or potassium ion to form an acid salt. lactate production is part of the way your muscles get fuel to keep working, and exercising at too high an intensity for too long will lead to the buildup of lactic acid, which will make your working muscles burn.
Two Types of Fermentation Alcoholic Fermentation similar to lactic acid fermentation Instead of the pyruvate being reduced to lactate, it is reduced to ethanol, and lets off two molecules of CO 2 along the way Used by: bacteria and yeast (yeast are fungi, btw). Humans "use" alcohol fermentation in another way, by using it to make bread, beer and wine.
Anaerobic Respiration No Oxygen Glycolysis extended Fermentation Only 2 ATP produced
Similarities and differences to anaerobic and aerobic respiration
Biosynthesis ATP provides energy for biosynthesis reactions in cells Biosynthesis reactions form larger, more complex molecules from less-complex molecules Ex: starch from glucose Biosynthesis helps organisms to grow and maintain their structure Definition provided by definition biological production of chemical substances: the synthesis of chemical substances as the result of biological activity
Biosynthesis and Breakdown Metabolism : all chem. activities & changes that take place in the cell/organism All chem rxns in a cell are 2 types: Synthesis (biosynthesis) : build up larger more complex molecules Breakdown/decomposition (decomp) rxns : break down larger molecules into smaller
Examples of Biosynthesis and Breakdown Biosynthesis: Build proteins from amino acids, which then build tissues, such as muscles and blood from proteins Breakdown: Cellular respiration, releases E & that E is provided from food
Importance of Food Provides E Organic Molecules for making sugar, amino acids, other compounds (cmpds) W/O Organ. Cmpnds cells could not repair or create new cells Photosynthesis provides food for producers How do heterotrophs get their food?
Digestion Digestion: breaking dwn larger molecules into smaller, simpler molecules Enzymes help break down of food Found in mouth, stomach, small intestine Speed up reactions Final digestion occrs in sm. Intestine
Sandwich process through digestion Contains: Carbs, proteins, fatssugar, amino acids, fatty acids These organic molecules then pass thru sm. Intest. Cell membrne to blood stream From blood stream go into cells
Conversions Compounds Fats: Proteins: Converted to 3-C molecule and fatty acids- which enter Krebs Amino acids
Whether a protein, carb, or fat, each organic molecule must be synthesized from the matter the organism takes in Then it must be broken down so that the organisms can use the necessary organic molecules and energy