Ever Wonder about Whales?
Two Types of Whales Whales are grouped into two different types. Baleen and Toothed toothed whales
Baleen Whales es/baleen_whales.cfm
Toothed Whales es/toothed_whales.cfm
Research and Project ❏ Choose your favorite whale. Find out facts about your whale and record them. ❏ Using yarn, measure a life size length for your whale. ❏ Create a diagram and label all its adaptations ❏ Create a presentation for the facts you have found. Choose from the list below: ❏ Tri-Fold board (the dollar tree sells them) ❏ Google Slides ❏ Written Report using Docs
Blue Whales Research Enchanted Learning NOAA Kids Do Ecology blue whale facts lef acts.org/blue-whale-facts-for-kids/ Video
Bowhead Whales Research: World Book Enchanted Learning hawhales.shtml Video ?source=searchvideo
Sperm Whales Research: Whale World Enchanted Learning PBS Video
Right Whales Research: Enchanted Learning: World Wildlife Federation National Geographic Video o
Humpback Whales Research Enchanted Learning: NOAA National Geographic for Kids Video
Orcas or Killer Whales Research Enchanted Learning Animal Fact Guide National Geographic for Kids National Geographic Video;
time for kids opening videohttp:// http:// kid friendly bigest facts mini videos LOTS OF VIDEO Fun Stuff video