A noun is a word or word group that names a person, place, thing. Quality, idea or action.
Noun examples Person- Mr. Merritt Place- Mona Shores Thing- Flower Quality-Wisdom Idea- Patriotism Action- Decision
Other types and examples Proper nouns can be a particular person, place, thing, or idea and will always be capitalized Mr. Merritt is a proper noun Muskegon is a proper noun Lake Michigan is a proper noun Valentines Day is a proper noun Languages, religions, organizations, titles of people, poems and books, paintings, and other works of art are all proper nouns.
Common nouns Names any member of a large class of persons, places, things, ideas
Collective nouns Name people or things thought of as a single group like: Audience, class, club, committee, couple, crowd, family, group, herd, mob, people, public, series, team, youth.
Compound Nouns Are made up of two or more words. Some are written as one word, some are hyphenated, and some are written as two words. Examples are sweatsuit, self-confidence, and finish line.
Plural nouns Are formed either by adding s, es Possessive nouns have and apostrophe plus s
A pronoun is a word that can replace an noun. There are many forms: personal, possessive, interrogative, indefinite and demonstrative.
Examples of personal pronouns I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, you, they and them
Possessive pronouns My, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs
Interrogative Who, whom, which, what
Indefinite and demonstrative Another, each, everyone, nobody, somebody, anyone, either, everything, no one, someone, anything, everybody, neither, nothing, something, both, few, many, several This, that, these, those
An action verb names the subject’s action in a sentence. A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence with another word in the sentence. It could be an adjective (predicate adjective) or a noun/pronoun (predicate nominative)
Examples of linking verbs Be, am, is, was, are, were, being, seem, appear, become, grow, remain, stay, feel, taste, smell, sound, look. A linking verb does not show action. Instead it connects, the subject of a sentence with a noun, pronoun, or adjective in the predicate.
Name the nouns, pronouns, verbs
Noun, pronouns, verbs
Nouns, pronouns, verbs
Nouns, verbs, pronouns