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The Legacy of the 50 th International Eucharistic Congress
Stage 5 of the Pastoral Programme
Starting Point 5 The 2 disciples return to Jerusalem from Emmaus … Lk 24:33-49 They regroup with the others in the Upper Room They are welcomed and hear confirmation that Christ is Risen They announce the good news from their experience Christ stands in their midst – to varying reactions He opens to them the significance of his life, death and resurrection They understand their experience in the light of what Jesus says to them They receive instruction as to what to do next Their actions and attitudes bear witness to their encounter and communion with Christ and with one another
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 6
Regroup Acknowledge each others presence Connect through remembering And recounting the experience Acknowledge the presence of Christ Reflect on the significance of the experience within the context of the Christian Life Explore how this experience is inspiration and motivation
Coming in Do you believe that Christ has gathered us in this place? Do you believe Christ when he says ‘where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them’? Do you believe you have a contribution to make here? Do you believe that your presence here is valued by God and by the others gathered here? Do you recognise anyone here? Become a practitioner of Communion and greet some one you know, and some one you do not. 9
Creed for those who gather I believe that Christ has gathered us in this place I believe Christ when he says ‘where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them’ I believe I have a contribution to make here I believe that my presence here is valued by God and by the others gathered here I am a practitioner of communion, and show this in my attitude to those with whom I gather 10
5 minutes starting from now What was your most outstanding memory of the Congress and why was it so? … Stop for a moment Think about what you have heard, Not just the words, but the energy of the teller, Be attentive to the ideas that arose in your mind as you listened, What did you hear … 11
Let us pause Do you believe that speaking to another about your experience of life, of God is a form of communion? Do you believe God is present in this conversation? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit can inspire and motivate you to action? Do you believe that everything that happens in daily life happens in your Christian life? Do you believe Christ when he says ‘where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them’? Do you believe Christ is here? 13
Our Response How does the experience you have been chatting about make sense in your life as a Christian Where are there connections: in the Scriptures in the teaching of the Church In the celebration of the Eucharist How does this experience make sense in your life as a Christian Community 15
As a result of these reflections, what one thing can you as an individual do or be as a sign that you are responding to Christ here today? (name it) As a community, can we choose one thing we want to work on until our next gathering? (name it) 16 Your Response
Going out Do you believe that you are empowered by the Spirit? Do you believe that you have been commissioned by Christ to be His witnesses? Do you believe you have been mandated by the Church? Do you believe your actions and attitudes glorify God the Father? Do you know that you are the Body of Christ, members of Him and of each other? 18
Creed for those who go out in Christ ' s name I believe that I am empowered by the Spirit I believe that I have been commissioned by Christ to be His witness I believe that I have been mandated by the Church I believe that my actions and attitudes glorify God the Father? I know that I am the Body of Christ, a member of Him and a member with these others. 19
An aid to reflection: IEC2012 Theological Document Exploring the mystery of the Eucharist in the light of the theme of the Congress. Available from our website and from Veritas book shopswebsite An aid to action: Communion and Inclusion A course of action that helps a parish embrace communion and inclusion as a mission. Available from our websitewebsite 20 Resources