Marywood University, Scranton, PA Small Staff– Big Demands : Computer Training and User Support in Higher Education Kay McClintock, M.S. Coordinator of Computer Training & User Support Karen Boland, M.S. Software Trainer Copyright, Kay McClintock, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Instructional Problem How can a full-time staff of three provide valuable and effective computer training and support to approximately 700 faculty and staff and 3000 students at an institution of higher learning?
History Pre-1998 –AS400 / OfficeVision campus –Training performed by MIS “programmers” Post-1998 –Computer Training & User Support created –Microsoft “take-over” –Training now performed by educators Bill Gates rules!!
Needs Assessment Inventory of hardware/software conducted Informal meetings held with Marywood community Users asked what they needed/wanted –Began with basic workshops in Microsoft Office applications and Windows Monthly calendar published and promoted Participants formally evaluated workshops
Results Attendance at workshops rose Suggestions for new workshops made by participants via workshop evaluation form New workshops created by our office The “word” spread around campus Promotion of workshops became heavier Demand grew for more application-specific and intermediate and advanced workshops
Other Reasons to Train New software, new versions/upgrades New clients (students, staff, faculty) Users identify own weaknesses Users want to learn more Suggestions from workshop participants for other sessions (from workshop evaluation form) Suggestions from the Marywood community for other sessions (from formal survey)
What We Provide General/specialized workshops (training alcove) Documentation (written in-house) One-on-one training Help Desk assistance Classroom support/demos Computer lab support staff Web site for extended support Computer purchase consultation Building “experts”
Promoting Our Services “You can bring a horse to water” Welcome letter to new employees Weekly about upcoming workshops Monthly workshop calendars Help Desk referrals Attendance at Orientations—student, faculty Attendance at Open House Days Flip cards for monitors Web page
The Numbers
Are We Effective? Yes!
Areas For Improvement Increase student and faculty attendance at workshops –cater workshops to their specific needs and offer at convenient times –become more visible in classroom (demos) thereby creating an “academic partnership” Redesign and heavily promote web page –use as another form of support –send out regular “Did you know?” s –have staff refer users to web page— specifically documentation, FAQs, etc.
Conclusions Extend our “family” of trainers –building experts –student staff –help desk Utilize other forms of support –web page –documentation
Contact Information Kay McClintock Karen Boland (570) , X-2391 (570) , X Computer Training & User Support Marywood University 2300 Adams Avenue Scranton, PA