Heald College Ms. T. Oliver, M.A.
Turned in at the beginning of class In Folder at the door (marked “TURN IN WORK HERE”) Call me if you’re going to miss the class!!!
Student Planner Assignments Personal Portfolio Assignments In-class handouts and bookwork Homework Quizzes and Final exam Participation in classroom discussions and activities Planner use—will be checked every class
Ms. T. Oliver, M.A (916) Office hours: By appointment
Exams40% Projects and Assignments 50% Planner, Portfolio, Homework, etc Participation10% 2-3 graded activities per class
Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S.L. (2009). Keys to Success (Heald Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN X Student Planner Student Online Companion web site:
Born in Reno Nevada- “Biggest Little City” Education Washington State University Bachelors of Science Degree in Home Econ. National University-Sacramento CA. Teaching Credentials MA in Education
If you miss 14 days in a row, you will be dropped. Letter of Appeal? Studies have shown that 85% attendance is minimum for success. There are graded activities during class period If you need to miss class, call/text/ Ms. Oliver as soon as you know you are going to be absent ( ).
Each student has the opportunity to make up one missed major in-class graded event. You MAY make up one (1) quiz or exam. You may NOT make up an in-class activity. You will not be given the same quiz/exam everyone else takes. In-class we take quizzes as games. Out of class, you have a 3pg quiz: multiple choice, short answer and essay.
Blue or White Scrubs for MEDICAL Layer appropriately- White Only NO Canvas/Fabric Shoes- It’s a hazard! Shoes must be covered- no holes Or open toed No Piercings and/or excessive jewelry WHITE shoes- Leather only, Must have a defined heel No Piping on Scrubs No Externship Scrubs WHITE Outerwear only!!!! NO HOODS
Professional Attire Example NO HOODS
Professional Attire Example NO HOODS
All homework is due on the due date at the beginning of the class period. No late homework will be accepted under any circumstances. Homework should be typed in MLA format You may download a template from our class website and you can print on campus for free! All class work must be done in class and turned in that day and at the time specified. If you are absent or tardy or leave class, you cannot make up the class work (including quizzes) that you missed. Your name should be on all of your work.
Turn off/silence your cell phone in class. Come to class on time and stay to the end. Have your book open, eyes forward, pen in hand Take notes on key points, not every single word PLAN time to study/do HW w/in 24hrs of today’s class. Reflect: What is working for you, what isn’t.
Show up on time to each class. Do not miss class, come tardy, or leave early. Be prepared for each class with your homework and studying done. Follow the directions and be mindful of the grading rubric for each assignment. Pay attention to your syllabus. All homework and quizzes are listed in the syllabus and are downloadable/on the website. Work hard—make a true effort with your homework and class work. Participate in class discussions and activities. Be diligent, responsible, and a good citizen of the class. (This means, among other things, being respectful of everyone, including yourself. Put away your cell phone. Put away your food.) Contact the teacher. I am here to help you! Get your work done early. Waiting until the last minute may mean not having your work done because of unforeseen problems with computers, printers, etc.
See Pg 3 of the Syllabus Write EVERY due date in your planner TODAY.
Homework: due at the next meeting. Type your Paragraphs if possible, Portfolios: do handout COURSE AT A GLANCE Homework: Due next class meeting* You will receive a handout for Portfolios in class/online Week 1 10/21 Course Overview, Syllabus, and Requirements Professional Ethics Dress Code Resources Assessments: Analytical (pg 12), Creative (pg 18), Practical, (pg 24) Read: Chapter 1 (pgs 2-31). Planner Assignment-Week 1 Planner: Due EVERY WEEK! Topics to be covered on that day
Designed to help you prepare a life/career plan identify your personal strengths, set realistic career goals, develop a resume, and engage in other activities that will support your personal and professional success. Each Portfolio is worth 10 points. Each activity should be complete and easy to read. Professional language should be used at all times. I will provide handouts (that you can also download online!)
#1- Setting Career Goals (pg 29) #2- Plans for Success: Career Goals (pg 61) #3- Self-Portrait Think Link (pg 92) #4- Generating Ideas for Internships (pg 130) #5- Reading Skills on the Job (pg 168) #6- Learning more about career success (pg 205) #7- On-the-Job Testing (pg 238) #8- A Job Interview Cover Letter (pg 272) #9- Compiling a Resume (pg 306) #10- Wellness at Work (pg 340) #11- Be Specific About Your Job Needs (pg 377) #12- Revisit Your Successful Intelligence (pg 399)
Keep track of schedule/ events in your Planner. This will be checked in class but not collected.
Example Week 1: Paragraph to be turned in: Write a one-paragraph reflection on how this may help you in school and on the job.
Prepare an oral presentation on the four questions found in your syllabus. me your presentation no later than 5pm the day before the final presentation is due. Each of the four questions is worth a possible 20 points, and the professionalism of your presentation is worth a possible total of 20 points. Total points possible: 100
During lectures, presentations, and discussion monitors (if we have a computer classroom) should be turned off unless otherwise approved. If you need to take a call or text during class hours, immediately leave the room. Do not have a conversation (voice or text) in the classroom.
Respect Each other The classroom The school Yourself Me Positive comments only. No negative comments allowed in class.
Mental Resources Note-taking, organizing, sorting, planning Physical Resources Health, transportation, school materials, computers Financial Resources Meet your needs for food, clothing, bills Emotional Resources Get hope! Get your attitude on right.
Heald Portal (check grades here) (go to Assignments, not Grades) Heald Heald CARES assistance program