15 Words Austin Davis
Preponderant Definition Prevalent Part of speech Adjective
Protoplasm Definition: the substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable Part of speech noun
Acid Definition: a sour substance Part of speech noun
Ramose Definition: branch like Part of speech adjective
Reassure Definition: to give new confidence Part of speech verb
Aerial Definition: of, pertaining to, or like the air Part of speech adjective
Recluse Definition: one who lives in retirement Part of speech noun
Sequacious Definition: ready to be led Part of speech adjective
Technography Definition: the scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development Part of speech noun
Wizen Definition: to become or cause to become withered or dry Part of speech verb
Wee Definition: very small Part of speech Adjective
Vassal Definition: a slave or bondman Part of speech noun
Unwieldy Definition: Moved or managed with difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape Part of speech Adjective
Adduce Definition: To bring forward or name for consideration Part of speech verb
Abridge Definition: To make shorter in word, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles Part of speech verb