Current State of Research into Co-operative Management. Context, and Future Vision Finnish Co-operative Movement One Hundred and Tenth Anniversary Celebrations Helsinki, 2009 Presenter Dr Peter Davis, Chartered FCIPD, AHEA
Content Introduction Propositions for future research into Co-operative Business and Organisation Why Co-operative Management is Problematic? Models of Co-operative Management Observations on the research emphasis of Co- operative Management and OD The development of mainstream management philosophy towards the co-operative model. Co-operative Value Based Management Agenda for Research and Appendices
Introduction The dimensions of the crisis –Political –Economic and Technological –Environmental – Poverty, Polarisation, Exclusion and Alienation – Social, Psychological and Spiritual Conclusion : The need to go back to basics: Adam Smith on Labour Theory of Value The idea of Character Development as a Co-operative Project must be re-engaged Managers must integrate the commercial and social
Micro Finance & Domestic Labour
Propositions 1. An economically successful co-operative today must be successful socially otherwise it will not remain a co-operative 2. The social dimension of a co-operative is a key tool for its business development and competitive advantage 3. Co-operative value added is a mix of social and economic value added 4. Human Capital in a Co-operative is the sum total of its membership and staff human capital (CSCM a critical element) 5. A professional value based management must be committed to managing both aspects of the business
Why co-operative leadership and governance is problematic? The problem of the leadership - followership gap (From Iron Law of Oligarchy by Roberto Michels to Enron) Scale, technology, speed and globalisation Models of co-operative management
Models of Co-operative Management and Governance Charismatic Great Leader Model Collective Model Civil Service Model Co-operative Value Based Model?
Observations 1. Most research into big co-operatives assumes the Civil Service Model 2. Most research into small employee co-operatives tends to assume the Model of collective decision making. 3. Most management research in co-operatives is focused on how to assert member control or accountability against the threat of managerialism 4. The focus on co-operative organisational development is almost always on structure rather than culture and values 5. Little research conducted on the impact or application of modern management methodologies for co-operative management
The evolution of management in four broad phases Scientific Management - Engineering led Human Relations Theories – Organisation led Contingency Theories – Environment led Value Based Management – Values and Culture led integration
Co-operative synergies with modern management methodologies Mission and Culture Management Supply Chain Relationship Management HRM / Employee Branding TQM / WCM / Customer Care Brand Recognition and Lifestyle Holistic Market Research Ethical Consumers /CSR
Values help us to understand our environment Values help to shape management and organisational culture Values gives a shared sense of solidarity and belonging to all stakeholders Values determine our sense of purpose and objectives Values help us adopt appropriate strategies, policies and procedures Our values help to differentiate our brand in the marketplace as long as we live up to them Our values are a sources of competitive advantage
Co-operative Value Based Management as an additional tool for governance Management methodologies can empower membership and employees. Co-operative values and purposes can cement stakeholder relationships. Influence management culture. Encourage transparency. Creates a listening and responding management. Values underpin standards and behaviour and provide an additional criteria by which to evaluate management
Agenda for Research in Co-operative Management What should be seen as operating values or principles for co-operative managers? How should we define the nature and role of co- operative management? How should we recruit, select and develop co-operative managers? Managing and Measuring Co-operative Human and Social Capital Managing Holistic Marketing in a Co-operative Managing Culture Change and Innovation Managing Technological Transfer Exploring the dimensions to strategic management
Appendix Definition of Co-operative Management Defining principles of co-operative management A schematic presentation of the interface between values and strategy, operations individuals. Find out more
Definition of Co-operative Management Co-operative Management is conducted by men and women responsible for the stewardship of the co-operative community, values and assets. Co-operative managers provide leadership, policy development options and operational control for the co-operative associations business based upon professional training and co-operative vocation and service. Co-operative management is that part of the co-operative community professionally engaged to support the whole co- operative membership in the achievement of the co-operative purpose.
Operational principles for Co-operative Leadership, Governance and Management? Davis & Donaldson propose seven? 1.Pluralism 2.Mutuality 3.Individual Autonomy 4.Distributive Justice 5.Natural Justice 6.People Centeredness 7.The multiple roles of work and labour
OHT 1.13: Value-led Management
Davis P and Donaldson John, (1998) Co-operative Management. A Philosophy for Business, New Harmony Press, Cheltenham. International Journal for Co-operative Management Vol.1. Number 1 to Vol. 4 Number 2 New Harmony Press Registered Office: 50 Tower Street, Leicester, LE1 6WT From ILO Coop Branch Geneva Davis, P (1999) Managing the Co-operative Difference. Davis, P (2000) Labour and the Family. New Directions for the Co-operative Associations of Labour, Harokopio University, Athens. Davis, P (2004) HRM in the Co-operative Context
Journals Davis, P (1998) Responding to Poverty. Communitarian solutions to rural and urban poverty through co-operative facilitation of primary associations based on households or families. In Journal of Rural Co-operation, International Research Centre on Rural Co-operative Communities, Yad Tabenkin, Israel. 25 th Anniversary Issue, 1998, pp 79 to 95. Davis, P. (2001) The Governance of Co-operatives Under Competitive Conditions: Corporate Governance. The International Journal of Effective Board Performance, Vol. 1, Number 4., Emerald, pp Davis, P. (2006) Beyond Human Resource Management in Co-operatives, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Emerald, pp73-95