Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) Area:13297 sq Km Districts:08 Divisions:03 Constituencies:29 Population:3.34 Million No of Schools:5898 No of Collages: 129 Literacy Rate:64% Participation Rate98% (boys) Primary Level:86% (girls)
Comparison of Schools & Collages Year 1947Year 1975Year 1995Year 2005 Primary Schools Boys Girls Total Middle Schools Boys Girls Total High Schools Boys Girls Total Higher Sec. Schools Boys Girls--524 Total Inter Collages Boys Girls Total Degree Collages Boys Girls Total
Summary of Damaged Educational Institutions Level No of Institutions Before 8th October Damaged%age Primary Middle High Collages Total
Summary of Causalities/ Injuries DistrictTeachers Died Teachers Injured Students Died Students Injured Neelum Muzaffarab ad Bagh Poonch Total
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