DNP 3.0 solution for CitectSCADA Jens Nasholm Citect Pty Ltd 1
CitectSCADA and DNP There is currently a new and an old version of the DNP driver supporting the DNP 3.0 standard DNPr – New driver with full support for redundancy DNP – Old The DNPr driver is a native driver able to communicate with any device compliant with the DNP 3.0 standard From January 1, 2006 a Specialty Driver support contract is required to log DNPr support calls
Old DNP Driver Driver Name: DNP (Latest version: Overview: Used successfully by some customers Quality and functionality ok for these customers No redundancy Solution: Upgrade existing systems to new version of the DNP driver This driver should not be used in new CitectSCADA projects Support: This driver is not supported and customers will be asked to upgrade to the new version of the DNP driver
New DNPr Driver Driver Name: DNPr (Latest version: Overview: Used by majority of customers Full support for PLC type redundancy New features and number of defects resolved Solution: Where possible, the DNPr driver should be used Driver ships with CitectSCADA v6.1 Support: Supported by Citect Pty Ltd From January 2006 a Support contract is required DNP technical specialists available within Citect Pty Ltd Defects will be prioritized and resolved based on severity
DNPr – New features Time stamped Trends Trend events (Value & Time) are pushed directly to the CitectSCADA trend system through API No need for customer written Cicode – all handled by the DNPr driver Record with 1ms accuracy both analog and digital data for display in either the trending system or process analyst Optimizes data storage by only saving values that are inserted (or changed) Trend files automatically expand to fit data No polling load on CitectSCADA
DNPr – New features Time stamped Alarms Alarm events (State & Time) pushed directly to the alarm system through API No need for customer written Cicode – all handled by the DNPr driver Record with 1ms accuracy both analog and digital Alarms logged from RTU devices No polling load on CitectSCADA
DNPr – New features Support of calculated variables Calculations can be made within the cache before pushed into CitectSCADA RealPower = Voltage x Current x PowerFactor (where Power factor is 0.85) Timestamp set to latest time from set of variables
DNPr – New features Redundancy I/O Server level redundancy provides PLC type redundancy No custom redundancy logics, such as dual-master logic, coding in the RTU required The driver maintains a database of values received from devices known as the cache The cache is updated by both event and static data The cache is automatically updated between the I/O Servers upon change of data in the DNP devices
DNPr – New features Redundancy (cont’d) Redundancy managed through “Active State Detection” of units and exclusive port access mode A unit becomes active if either of the following occurs Communication between the I/O Devices fails The unit is forced into the active state by the user If a unit on an I/O Device is not active No communication with I/O devices. It does not send any DNP3 frames to the device and does not process any frames received from the device I/O Servers communicate with each other to ensure that a unit is active on only I/O Server at one time
DNPr statistics Bluescope Steel Australia 2 redundant I/O servers connected via TCP/IP to 40 RTUs 2 redundant Alarm/Report/Trend servers 9000 DNP RTU tags 5000 DNP RTU calculated variables 7000 push-based digital alarms 3000 poll-based digital alarms 5000 event trends 6000 periodic trends 220@1s, 20@5s, 3500@60s, 2300@120s RTU events are populated to the SCADA system at a rate of 220 events per second in peak load situations
Sample of CitectSCADA and DNPr users Agility Gas Services Barwon Region Water Authority Booz Allen Hamilton Cairns Water City of Cape Town Ergon Energy - Brisbane Erie Boulevard Hydropower French Broad EMC GasNet Australia Limited Goulburn Valley Water Authority Origin Energy - Katnook Gas Plant Origin Energy Spring Gully Power & Water - Sadadeen Valley Queensland Railways Shrewsbury Light and Cable Texas Gas Transmission Transend Power Stations Transend Networks TrustPower Generation Western Power Iran Khodro Substation Telemetry Kangan Power Plant Mashhad Powerplant Wells Sistan & Baloochestan Dispatching Centre