CitectSCADA Communications with Mitsubishi FX3U-ENET
Open FX configuartor-EN to define the FX3U-ENET ethernetcard And Set module nummer Module 1 = 2de special module at the right side
Operational settings Select “Binary code” Select “Always wait for open” Give in the IP adress PLC1 PLC2 Check all setting and save these with End
Operational settings Define one or more ports as MELSOFT connections for GX IEC Developer and FX configutor-EN Define a port for CitectSCADA TCP Unpassive Procedure exit (MC) Portnumber 1300 Check all setting and save these with End
Write settings to the FX3U-ENET Push the Write button Select the right COM-port to connect to the PLC and press OK Push the Write button to download the settings Set the PLC to stop Click OK on the message With Yes the PLC comes back in run Power the PLC OFF and ON to reset the ethernet card
Diagnose via serial Push the Diagnostics button Connection interface is still set to a COM-port Push the Diagnostics button in this window as well Select the different diagositics tabs
Diagnose via ethernet Push the Diagnostics button Change the transfer setup to the IP adress of this PLC Push the Diagnostics button in this window as well Select the different diagositics tabs
GX IEC Developer via ethernet Select the Ethernet board on the PC side Select the Ethernet module in the PLC side Give in the IP adress of the PLC Set the timeout to 5 sec Press Connection test Save these setting by closing all windwos with OK
Operational settings Define one or more ports as MELSOFT connections for GX IEC Developer and FX configutor-EN Define a port for CitectSCADA TCP Unpassive Procedure exit (MC) Portnumber 1300 Check all setting and save these with End
Open Citect project en start de Express Communications wizard
Express Communications wizard steps IOserver name = IOserver IOdevice name = PLC1 external I/Odevice Mitsubishi FX Serie FX3U Ethernet(TCP/IP) Adress 255 (host PLC) IP adress en port are not asked. See next page.
Set IP - and port adress Open de port settings of PLC1 Set the special opt -i10.10.10.160 -p1300 Press replace to save settings (PLC has IP adress and port 1300 open for Citect)
Cluster needed in Citect v7 Open clusters Make a cluster and press “Add” Open I/O servers Attach your IOServer to a your cluster and press Replace
Open Variable tags and define tags Define a 16 bits tag Name = RegD0_PLC1 Adress = D0 IO Device Name = PLC1 Data type = INT Press add Name = RegX0_PLC1 Adress = X0 Data type = Digtal
Create a page
Place a register on the page Past genie Select libary keyentery Select parameter2 Press OK Set tag Move object and resize to your wish
Place a register on the page Set symbol Place it on the page Insert a tag Press OK
Save your page
Check your Communications settings Cluster1 > IOServer > BOARD1 > PORT1_BOARD1 > PLC1 > D0_PLC1 PORT IP adres ENET Portnumber ENET 1300 Special Opt -i10.10.10.160 –p1300 Default TCP & BIN IO DEVICE Adress 255 (host) Protocol MELSCNET1 Tag = D0_PLC1
Compile your Project
Run Computer setup wizard
Run your project in demo mode Press OK and run in demo mode for 15 minutes Via menu update pages and select page01
Connect more FX3U-ENET modules Open de ports Change portname to PORT2_BOARD1 Port Number to 2 IP adress to 10.10.10.X Press Add Open de IOdevices Name to PLC2 Number to 2 You have now 2 record of ports and of IOdevices
Define tags of PLC2 Open the tag RegD0_PLC1 Change Name to RegD0_PLC2 IO Device Name to PLC2 Press add Open the tag RegX0_PLC1 Name to RegX0_PLC2 IO Device Name = PLC2
Add the PLC2 object on the page Copy the 2 object from PLC1 Change the tags of the copied objects Close the page and save it
Run Citect