UNJLC facilitated work in the NFI Emergency Shelter Sector in Darfur.


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Presentation transcript:

UNJLC facilitated work in the NFI Emergency Shelter Sector in Darfur

Overview 1.Background 2.Darfur Common NFI pipeline 3.NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Coordination 4.SWOT 5.Lessons Learned

Background 1.UNJLC-Sudan activated by UNCT and IASC in early 2004 to provide a logistics planning capacity for the returns 2.Darfur Crisis: no lead on emergency shelter and NFIs. Response lacking. 3.Ad-hoc solution agreed upon. ‘Darfur Common NFI pipeline’ created early A unique partnership with UNJLC, UNICEF, CARE and OCHA with NGOs in Darfur. 4.Darfur Common NFI Pipeline continues on in 2005, 2006, 2007….and 2008? 5.Mid 2006 the UNCT named UNJLC as the NFI and Emergency Shelter Sector Lead for the Entire Sudan to coordinate the 2007 UN and Partners Work Plan Process : UNJLC is fully responsible for sector coordination

Darfur Common NFI Pipeline

Common Pipeline Roles and Responsibilities of the partners –Common Procurement, Shipping, Customs Clearance, and transport to the designated hub from port (UNICEF) –Common Transport and Warehousing (CARE) –Supply Chain Management and Overall Coordination (UNJLC) –Distribution (NGOs) –Monitoring (UNJLC and CARE) –Reporting (UNJLC) –Needs Assessment (Interagency, NGOs) –Prioritization (OCHA) Darfur Common Pipeline

UNICEF-Primary Transport to Main Logistics Hub Nyala El Geneina El Fasher El Obeid Khartoum Port Sudan

CARE—Secondary and Tertiary Routes Nyala El Geneina El Fasher El Obeid Khartoum Port Sudan

Darfur CP Transport Network Nyala El Geneina El Fasher El Obeid Khartoum Port Sudan Local Procurement International Procurement Distributions

NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Common Pipeline Process Flow- NFI Request to Distribution

Common Pipeline Tools and Instruments Standard request, assessments forms, and post-distribution templates Beneficiary Selection Criteria UNJLC Database-contains planning assumptions, procurement requests, pipeline status and distributions tracking MOU among the principle partners outlining reporting requirements Common or Joint Funding Appeals

Common Pipeline Partners 2006

Common Pipeline distribution in 2006

Population Served in 2006

2007 Selection Criteria Priority Selection Criteria # of beneficiaries # of householdsPackage a) Newly Displaced Persons (displaced for the first time, new arrivals in camps) 460,00077,500 Full NFI basket 1.b) Secondary Displacement (IDPs that have been re-displaced from existing place of displacement to another) c) Victims of localized disasters (ie: floods, fires ) Partial NFI baskets in some cases based on assessed needs 2.a) Extremely vulnerable populations (elderly, pregnant and lactating women, marginalized communities, vulnerable host communities, normally targeted through existing community-based projects) 860,000143,000 Partial or Full NFI basket based on assessed needs b) IDPs previously not assisted or partially assisted due to inaccessibility, and partial replenishment of NFIs to IDPs that received NFIs prior to a) IDPs requiring partial replenishment that received NFIs in ,00056,500 Partial basket based on assessed needs 4.a) Emergency response stock (buffer stock )320,00053,000Full basket Total1,980,000330,000

Projected RequirementsResourcedStatus NFI Basket Total Units Required 2006 Carry over Stocks Received 2007 to date Total Stocks & Receipts In PipelineTotal Resourced Distribute d Year to Date Stock As at 30th AprilShortfall Items(Pieces) % of require ment (Pieces) Blanket990,000218, , ,000100%192,425273,2300 Clothing660,00023, , ,40159%41,201249,157270,599 Jerry Can660,000250, , ,73479%166,470256,981141,266 Plastic Sheeting330,00078, , ,401101%71,836186,7770 Sleeping Mats990,000168, , ,56595%163,264340,76047,435 Soap47, %0047,000 Mosquito nets6, ,600100%000 Common Pipeline Status

2007 Distributions by Beneficiary Type Northern Darfur JanFebMarAprTotal Disaster Affected Populations (served08501,5001,585 IDPs Requiring Replenishment072,30357,1771,300130,780 Newly Displaced01,3331,6361,0694,038 Subtotal 073,72158,8133,869136,403 Southern Darfur JanFebMarAprTotal Populations not previously served Disaster Affected Populations (served1, ,886 IDPs Requiring Replenishment01, ,799 Newly Displaced3,28112,7692,0458,77927,267 Organised Returnees02,6000 5,200 Spontaneous Returnees Vulnerable Host Populations Vulnerable Rural Populations02,31007,2809,590 Subtotal 5,26219,5792,31819,55679,033 Western Darfur JanFebMarAprTotal Populations not previously served0004,717 IDPs Requiring Replenishment1,0805,0004,75010,36128,474 Newly Displaced0001,000 Subtotal 1,0805,0004,75016,07834,191

Common Pipeline Developments Finalised M&E strategy with CARE Planning on training of national NGOs on distributions (basic need assessments Planning to organise a formal evaluation of Darfur Common Pipeline

NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Coordination

NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Sudan has an intensive UN and Partners work-plan process With sector participants, sector planning—determining sector priorities and strategies Manage the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) allocation process with partners

NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Sector Coordinator Responsibilities Inclusion of key humanitarian partners Establishment and maintenance of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms Coordination with national/local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors Participatory and community-based approaches Attention to priority cross-cutting issues (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights) Needs assessment and analysis Emergency preparedness Planning and strategy development Application of standards Monitoring and reporting Advocacy and resource mobilization Training and capacity building Provision of assistance or services as a last resort

NFI & Emergency Shelter Sector Sector Coordinator Responsibilities Inclusion of key humanitarian partners Establishment and maintenance of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms Coordination with national/local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors Participatory and community-based approaches Attention to priority cross-cutting issues (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights) Needs assessment and analysis Emergency preparedness Planning and strategy development Application of standards Monitoring and reporting Advocacy and resource mobilization Training and capacity building Provision of assistance or services as a last resort

NFI and Emergency Shelter Sector Darfur Objective 1 To target and provide the most vulnerable populations (newly displaced, vulnerable IDP’s in camps, vulnerable rural populations, returnees and refugees ) with appropriate NFI items to mitigate health threats and sustain or improve their living conditions Objective 2 To improve delivery of NFI’s through effective information sharing and coordination A humanitarian response with 3 key objectives Objective 3 To standardise of emergency shelter for IDP’s to reduce environmental impact, improve sustainability and manage costs

Objective (key objective to be achieved by the sector) Priorities (key areas or issues of importance within the objective) Strategy (strategies on how to meet the objective/priorities) To target and provide the most vulnerable populations (newly displaced, vulnerable IDPs in camps, vulnerable rural populations, and refugees ) with appropriate NFI items to mitigate health threats and to sustain or improve living conditions of the target populations.  Improve assessment capacity (subject to security) to cover all geographical areas with an assessment process that identifies the most vulnerable populations.  Improve planning on NFI distribution by ensuring consistent approach to distribution across all partners and areas  Maintain ability to respond rapidly to newly affected population should situation deteriorate further  Improve on monitoring and evaluation of NFI assistance and analysis,  Maintain common system for the delivery of NFIs  Increase capacity of beneficiary populations and local organisations to participate in distribution process  Engage new partners and encourage existing partners to expand areas of operations  Develop simple standardised minimum requirements for beneficiary identification and distribution to facilitate planning, projection of needs, and quality of assistance provided  Maintain contingency stocks of NFIs for 40,000 households  Revise monitoring strategy based on lessons learnt in 2006 and build- up capacity to expand activities  Continue with Darfur Common Pipeline arrangements  Identify potential local partners and assess willingness/capacity to engage in distributions  Engage with beneficiary committees providing training and support to allow them to carry out NFI distributions  Training to local partners (distribution) NFI&ES Sector Plan

FUNDING UPDATE: UN WORKPLAN—NFI and ES SECTOR for DARFUR 2007 UN Work Plan Project NameTotal Request Funding Secured & 2006 Carry-Over 1st round allocation 2nd round allocation Reported Shortfalls WFP (UNJLC ) - SUD-07/NS21 - UNJLC - Coordination and Management of the NFI and Emergency Shelter Sector (HA) [Darfur only]$2,000,000 $425,000$100,000$1,475,000 CARE - SUD-07/NS15 - Greater Darfur Logistics Operations for Non-Food Items$6,600,000$5,940,000$660,000 $0 UNICEF - SUD-07/NS19* - Procurement of Non-Food Items for the Darfur Non-Food Item Common Pipeline and for Inter- Agency NFI and Emergency Shelter Response and Organised Returns in non- Darfur North Sudan [Darfur only]$9,662,846$9,263,000$280,000 $119,846 IOM - SUD-07/NS14 - Return Assistance and Provisison Contingencies$1,000,000 $230,000 $770,000 HelpAge - SUD-07/NS18 - NFI and Shelter Response for Older Individuals and their Dependents in Conflict Affected Areas in West Darfur$64,600 $30,000$34,600$0 CHF - SUD-07/NS16 - Environmentally Friendly Shelter Provision for up to 20,000 IDP Families in North and South Darfur States$950,000 $230,000$110,400$609,600 Concern - SUD-07/NS27 - NFI Distribution in West Darfur.$1,027,000 $70,000$130,000$827,000 CRS - SUD-07/NS28 - Shelter and NFI Distribution and Coordination in West Darfur.$1,000,000 $75,000$125,000$800,000 Total $22,896,177$15,203,000$2,000,000 $ 500,000$4,601,446

NFI & ES sector services Monthly NFI &ES sector reports Regular Coordination Meeting at the Khartoum, Field Level Process management of the workplan and CHF allocations

T O W S Information Management Coordination Supply-Chain Management Clear system Speed of service Neutral as Sector Lead Building Partnerships Flexible Developing system and Procedures Recovery Capacity-building/ training Cluster system roll-out? Lack of technical expertise Programmatic Aspects Monitoring & Evaluation Needs Assessment& Analysis Community-Based Approaches Capacity/Turn over of staff Fragile/Vulnerable Structure Recovery Insecurity/Access Future funding Lack of clarity of position Diminishing # distribution partners Bureaucratic Impediments Other Pipelines

Lessons Learnt –Increased Coordination &Increased Information Sharing in this gap area –Darfur Common Pipeline: good emergency response mechanism –Appropriate programme intervention in chronic emergency? –Strengthen partnership with Shelter Sector