1920’s to NOW
Revolutionized the fashion world. With the arrival of the ‘jazz age’ and prohibition, women's skirts rose to the knees, hair was cut short in a boyish bob. Women began to drink and smoke in public, defying the rigid social status.
Women “The Flapper” Waist line of dresses dipped to the hips Tried to hide their breasts to achieve a more boyish look. The look commanded power and equality. Men Men’s clothing became more tapered. Trousers were tapered at the ankle. Fedoras were a fashion statement for the wealthy man. Pin-striped suits
1920's Flapper Video
Great Depression lead to a drastic change for women. No on had money for leisurely things like clothes and shoes. Women entered the workforce.
Women Wore a business suit. Fitted skirts with slits on the side or back. Jackets were fitted and had shoulder pads. Men Didn’t Change
How we incorporate it NOW… 1930's Video
Country began recovering from the Great Depression and World War II Men went to war, leaving the women to earn a living for the family. Women worked by helping manufacture war materials.
Women Encouraged to be conservative Dresses were made without cuffs, collars and buttons. Trying to save material to be used for the war Men Jackets were double breasted with wide shoulders Began to mix and match pieces Suits consisted of a jacket and pants Previously was a vest, jacket, and two pairs of pants.
With the 50’s came TEENAGE REBELLION. Think Grease or James Dean.
Women Dresses were fluffed out with petticoats. Hair was ratted and flipped. Wore white Keds or saddle shoes. Rebellious women wore pedal pushers. Men Wore tight jeans White or black shirt Loafers or Converse Leather jackets
With the arrival of the Vietnam War came “flower children”. People used their clothing to express their views on the war. MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR.
Men and women both wore tight bell- bottoms that flared wide at the knee. Jeans included decorations like patches, painting and drawing on fabric was