PONCHATOULA HIGH SCHOOL LEAP Graduation Requirements Assessments IGP’s AOC’s TOPS Scheduling
Introduction The information you are receiving is important for you and your child. You, the school, and the student must work together to ensure that your student achieves his/her educational goals. Each student will receive an informational newspaper needed for scheduling. It will provide you with graduation requirements, scheduling requirements, course summaries and other important information. Read this guide carefully and discuss the scheduling options with your child. Students are NOT allowed to change teachers or courses once the schedules are issued. So please give serious consideration to your selections.
Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) Students must score Basic or above in either English or math and Approaching Basic or above in the other subject on the LEAP to advance to the next grade.
LOUISIANA GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS College And Career Diploma Louisiana Core 4 Curriculum Louisiana Basic Core Curriculum Career Diploma
What can I do with each diploma? Core 4BasicCareer 4 year college √ 2 year college√√√ Technical college√√√ Military√√√ Work√√√
State Policy All students entering 9th grade are automatically placed on the LA Core 4 pathway. At the end of the 10th grade year, a student with parent or guardian permission may opt into the Basic Core or Career Diploma curriculum.
Louisiana Graduation Requirements College and Career Diploma Entering 9 th Graders and Beyond Louisiana Core 4 CurriculumLouisiana Basic Core Curriculum English - 4 units English I, II, III, and IV Math – 4 units Algebra I or Algebra I-Pt. 2 or Applied Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Remaining unit shall come from the following: Financial Math, Math Essentials, Advanced Math–Pre- Calculus, Advanced Math–Functions and Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Math, or a locally-initiated elective approved by BESE as a math substitute. Science – 4 units Biology Chemistry 2 units from the following: Physical Science, Integrated Science, Physics I, Physics of Technology I, Aerospace Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physics II, Physics of Technology II, Agriscience II, Anatomy and Physiology, or a locally initiated elective approved by BESE as a science substitute.* Social Studies – 4 units ½ unit of Civics or AP American Government ½ unit of Free Enterprise. American History 1 unit from the following: World History, World Geography, Western Civilization, or AP European History 1 unit from World History, World Geography, Western Civilization, AP European History, Civics (second semester – ½ credit), Law Studies, Psychology, Sociology, or African American Studies* Health – ½ Unit Physical Education – 1½ units Foreign Language – 2 units 2 units from the same foreign language or 2 units of speech Arts – 1 unit Fine Arts Survey or one unit of Art, Dance, Music, or Theatre* Electives – 3 units *Approved IBC-related course may be substituted. English – 4 units English I, II, III and IV or Senior Applications in English Math – 4 units Algebra I or Algebra I-Pt1 and Algebra I-Pt 2 or Applied Algebra I Geometry Remaining units shall come from the following: Algebra II, Financial Math, Math Essentials, Advanced Math–Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math–Functions and Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Math, or a locally-initiated elective approved by BESE as a math substitute Science – 3 units Biology 1 unit from physical science cluster: Physical Science, Integrated Science, Chemistry I, Physics I, or Physics of Technology I 1 unit from Aerospace Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physics II, Physics of Technology II, Agriscience II, Anatomy and Physiology, an additional course from the physical Science cluster, or a locally initiated elective approved by BESE as a science substitute. Social Studies – 3 units American History ½ unit of Civics or AP American Government ½ unit of Free Enterprise. 1 unit from World History, Western Civilization, World Geography, or AP European History Health – ½ Unit Physical Education – 1½ units Electives – 8 units Education for Careers or Journey to Careers* Shall include the minimum courses required to complete a Career/Technical Area of Concentration* *Effective with entering 9 th graders and beyond Total – 24 units
Louisiana Graduation Requirements Career Diploma English - 4 units English I, II The remaining unit shall come from the following: Technical Reading and Writing Business English Business Communications Using Research in Careers (1/2 credit) American Literature (1/2 credit) Film in America (1/2 credit) English III English IV Senior Applications in English A course developed by the LEA and approved by BESE Math – 4 units One of the following: Algebra I (1 unit) or Algebra I-Pt. 1 and Algebra I-Pt. 2 (2 units) or Applied Algebra I (1 unit) The remaining units shall come from the following: Geometry or Applied Geometry, Technical Math, Medical Math, Applications in Statistics and Probability, Financial Math, Math Essentials, Algebra II, Advanced Math—Pre-Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, or course(s) developed by the LEA and approved by BESE Science – 3 units Biology 1 unit from the following physical science cluster: Physical Science, Integrated Science, Chemistry I, ChemCom, Physics I, or Physics of Technology I The remaining unit shall come from the following: Food Science, Forensic Science, Allied Health Science, Basic Body Structure and Function, Basic Physics with Applications, Aerospace Science, Earth Science, Agriscience II, Physics of Technology II, Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Science, Biotechnology in Agriculture Environmental Studies in Agriculture, Health Science II, EMT – Basic, an additional course from the physical science cluster, or course(s) developed by the LEA and approved by BESE Social Studies – 3 units ½ unit of Civics ½ unit of Free Enterprise. American History 1 unit from the following: Child Psychology and Parenthood Education, Law Studies, Psychology, Sociology, World History, World Geography, Western Civilization, Economics, American Government, African American Studies, Course developed by the LEA and approved by BESE Health – ½ Unit Physical Education – 1½ units Career and Technical Education – 7 units Education for Careers or Journey to Careers 6 credits required for a career Area of Concentration Total – 23 units
Diploma Curriculum Comparison PHS Courses This comparison only includes the courses currently available at PHS. A complete list of the diploma requirements can be found in the scheduling newspaper.
English Core 4 (4 units) Basic (4 units) Career (4 units) English I English II English III English IVEnglish IV or Senior Applications English IV or Senior Applications
Math Core 4 (4 units) Basic (4 units) Career (4 units) Algebra I or Alg I Pt I & Alg 1 Pt 2 Geometry Geometry, Financial Math, Math Essentials, Algebra II, Adv. Math, Calculus Algebra IIFinancial Math, Math Essentials, Algebra II, Adv. Math, Calculus Financial Math, Math Essentials, Adv. Math, Calculus Note: Algebra I Pt. 1 & Algebra I Pt. 2 counts for 2 units in the Basic and Career Diploma. In Core 4, Financial Math & Math Essentials do not meet TOPS requirements.
Science Core 4 (4 units) Basic (3 units) Career (3 units) Physical Science or Integrated Science Biology Chemistry IAnatomy & Physiology, Biology II, Chemistry I, Chemistry II, Physics, Environmental Science, Agriscience II Anatomy & Physiology, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Environmental Science, Agriscience II In Basic and Career curriculum, Chemistry I required for TOPS Tech.
Social Studies Core 4 (4 units) Basic (3 units) Career (3 units) World Geography Civics American History World History
Additional Requirements Core 4 Total – 24 units Basic Total – 24 units Career Total – 23 units 1 ½ PE & Health or ROTC I & II 2 units of a foreign language 1 unit of an art 3 electives Journey to Careers or Educ. For Careers 7 electives6 electives Must complete an AOC
State Assessments End of Course Test Students must pass three End of Course tests to graduate. English II or English III Algebra I or Geometry Biology I or American History * EOC Test will count as 15% of the final grade.
Individual Graduation Plans According to the Career Options Law, every student must have an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) on file at the school. The plan is initiated in 8 th grade and will be updated each year. The IGP shall be signed by the student and parent or legal guardian each year. The IGP reflects the curriculum pathway and the recommended sequence of elective courses. The IGP is flexible, yet sufficiently structured, to ensure that a student will meet the high school requirements for admission to a postsecondary education institution or enter the workforce.
Areas of Concentration Each student MUST choose an Area of Concentration on the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). An Area of Concentration is a sequence of courses based on a student’s interests.
Area of Concentrations Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Agriculture Production/Management/Entrepreneurship Animal Science Architecture and Construction Carpentry and Construction Drafting Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication Graphic Arts Journalism Liberal Arts Mass Communication Performing Arts Business, Management and Administration Administrative Support Business, Administration Education and Training Advanced Studies/Core 4 only General Studies Finance Banking and Finance (NAF Academy) Government and Public Administration JROTC Health Science Nutrition and Food Emergency Health Care Health Professionals Pharmacy Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Arts Human Services Child Development Services Management of Family Resources Manufacturing Welding Marketing, Sales and Services Entrepreneurship Marketing and Sales Management Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Engineering
How do I choose an area of concentration?
Louisiana’s Taylor Opportunity Program for Students TOPS A series of merit-based scholarships that award amounts equal to tuition, some including a stipend, at a state public college, university, community college or technical school, (or the weighted average of public school tuition at certain in-state private colleges). TOPS Opportunity, Performance, and Honors Awards 8 semesters of college tuition TOPS Tech Award 2 years of technical college tuition
Overview of TOPS Requirements TOPSTOPS Tech Option 1 TOPS Tech Option 2 4 year college √ 2 year college√√√ Technical college√√√ TOPS Core Curriculum19 units17 units19 units TOPS GPA2.5 ACT2017
Scheduling Information
Classification by Grade Levels 9 th Grade0 – 5.5 Credits 10 th Grade6 – 10.5 Credits 11 th Grade11 –16.5 Credits 12 th Grade17 - Credits
Scheduling Forms Forms Schedule Request 2012 – 2013 Individual Graduation Plan Career Clusters & Area of Concentration Form Student Application and/or Teacher Input Form for honors classes The Principal or School Counselor will inform your child regarding the procedures for returning the scheduling forms to his/her school. If the forms are not returned a schedule will be made for the student by the counselor.
Honors Courses Criteria A student must meet three of the five criteria yearly for the subject area requested. 1. Minimum overall GPA of Minimum subject area average of Teacher Recommendation based on a subject-area checklist 4. Student Application and Self-evaluation Form with Parent Signature 5. Score Mastery or Advanced on LEAP or EOC test in subject area
What will my schedule look like? 9 th grade schedule English I or English II Algebra I, Algebra I Pt., or Geometry Physical Science, Integrated Science, or Biology World Geography PE I or ROTC I Intro to BCA Elective – preferably from your AOC
9 th Grade Electives Agriscience I Principles of Business French I (requires a 3.5 GPA) Spanish I (requires an A or B in 8 th grade Spanish) Theater I Family and Consumer Sciences I Basic Wood Tech Beginning Chorus Band
Course Selection Please be sure to read the description of the elective before choosing. Please choose wisely, because we do not change electives once the master schedule is made. If you ask for a class and receive it, you are expected to stay there for the entire length of the course. Some courses require that you get special approval. Special approval means that you must get the teacher granting permission to sign your schedule request form. For example, band requires that the PJHS band director signs.
Principal Danny Strickland Ninth Grade Academy Melanie Monistere Counselors A-D Denise Latour E-K Orlisa DePhillips L-Q Katharine Meadors R-Z Tommie Robertson