Career Diploma
(Incoming Freshmen and beyond) English - 4 Units * English I, English II * The remaining units come from the following: Technical Reading and Writing, Business English, Business Communications, Using Research in Careers (1/2 credit), American Literature (1/2 credit), Film in America (1/2 credit),Senior Applications in English, English III, English IV *A course developed by the LEA and approved by BESE Math - 4 Units * Algebra l (1 unit) or * Algebra l-Part 1 and Algebra l-Part 2 (2 units) or * Applied Algebra(1 unit) * The remaining units come from the following: Geometry or Applied Geometry, Technical Math, Medical Math, Applications in Statistics and Probability, Financial Math, Math Essentials, Algebra II, Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, or local course(s) approved by BESE. Science - 3 Units *Biology * 1 unit from the following Physical Science cluster: Physical Science, Integrated Science, Chemistry I, ChemCom, Physics I, or Physics of Technology I * The remaining unit shall come from the following: Food Science, Forensic Science, Allied Health Science, Basic Body Structure and Function, Basic Physics with Applications, Aerospace Science, Earth Science, Agriscience II, Physics of Technology II, Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Science, Biotechnology in Agriculture, Environmental Studies in Agriculture, Health Science II, EMT-Basic, an additional course from the Physical Science cluster, or local course(s) approved by BESE (continued)
Social Studies - 3 Units * Civics (1 unit) or 1/2 unit Civics and 1/2 unit Free Enterprise * U.S. History *1 unit from the following: Child Psychology and Parenthood Education, Law Studies, Psychology, Sociology, World History, World Geography, Western Civilization, Economics, American Government, African American Studies, or local course(s) approved by BESE Health - 1/2 Unit * JROTC I and II may be used to meet the Health Education requirement provided the requirements in Section 2347 of Bulletin 741 are met. Physical Education - 1 1/2 Units * JROTC may be substituted. Career and Technical Education - 7 Units * Education for Careers or Journey to Careers * 6 credits required for a Career Area of Concentration (1 must be Comp/Tech Course) Total - 23 Units
Opportunity for Industry Based Certification Complete Diploma Requirements with 23 credits in three years Opportunity for the student in 9 th grade ( that has 5 or less credits ) to graduate with their cohort Advantages of Career Diploma
5 Emergency Medical Tech Computer Information Systems Agriculture Production Carpentry/ Construction Pharmacy Technician WeldingCulinary Arts Banking/ Finance Business Automotive Tech Pathways with Industry Based Certifications Nursing Tourism & Lodging
Earn two units in English or Math in one Academic Year (Junior & Senior Year ) Earn Dual Enrollment in the Community College System Opportunity to take English & Math courses in technical areas Advantages of Career Diploma
The student may qualify for a TOPS Tech Award by meeting the TOPS Tech Curriculum requirements earning a GPA of 2.50 and scoring 17 or higher on the ACT Student can attend post- secondary level at the Community College Student can attend a Four Year College after successful performance at the Community College Advantages Of Career Diploma
What is TOPS Tech Award?
Eligibility Requirements : 11 th or 12 th grade student in a La. Public high school 2.5 GPA in the TOPS Tech Curriculum ACT 17 (or) SAT of 810 (or) WorkKeys Silver Certificate Completion of: one of the TOP Tech Core Curricula ( Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award Curriculum ) TOPS Tech Option 1 TOPS Tech Option 2 Tops Tech Award
What courses do I take to earn the TOPS Tech Award? Follow the TOPS Tech Award Curriculum
Units Courses 3English I, I, III 1English IV or Senior Applications in English 1 Algebra I (or) Algebra I Parts 1 & 2 (or) Applied Mathematics I & II 2Geometry, Algebra II, Math Essentials, Advanced Mathematics 1 or II, Financial Mathematics, Applied Mathematics III, Discrete Mathematics, or Probability & Statistics 1 Biology 1 Chemistry, Applied Chemistry 1Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physical Science, Integrated Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics for Technology or Agriscience I & II 1 US History 1World History, World Geography or Western Civilization 1 Civics (one unit); Civics ½ unit and Free Enterprise ½ unit or AP American Government (continued) TOPS Tech Award Curriculum
Option 1 1Fine Arts Survey or 2 units of performance courses in music, dance or theater; studio art; visual art or 1 unit of an elective from among the other subjects listed in the core curriculum 2Foreign Languages; Technical Writing; Speech I, II 1Computer Education program approved by BESE _________________________________________________________ Option 2 (For students enrolled in a Career Major) 4A Career major comprised of a sequence of specialty related courses as defined in the career options law 1 Related or technical course 1 A basic computer course TOPS Tech Award Curriculum
What can I do with the TOPS TECH Award? Tops Tech Award is used to enroll in a Technical Program for two years
Where do I sign up for Career Diploma? School Counselor