Developed by Highmark BCBS ◦ Used by their employees + members Program can help you change your role in your health ◦ Identifies your health and lifestyle areas in need of improvement ◦ Helps you develop and keep new, healthier habits
What is it? ◦ A program that helps you assess all aspects of your health ◦ You receive rewards for completing a total number of points ◦ $300 each for you and your spouse ◦ Begins and ends ◦ All of your documentation is done online
How does it work? It’s Easy ◦ Go online, establish your login and password ◦ On your personalized webpage from HM you will see the new tab “Lifestyle Returns” ◦ Earn Points by completing activities or programs to earn your cash incentive
How does it work? ◦ Earn Points for each wellness activity completed ◦ Choose from a wide variety of activities ◦ Each program we offer here that you complete will have a code you put into your online webpage at HM site to get those points or you select the date it is completed ◦ Very simple process- you earn the required 150 total points to earn the $300 cash incentive
Wellness Profile 30 Annual physical exam 20 Annual preventive exams 20 Blood screening 20 Fitness: 1 pt./wk for 3 workouts must document online each week Flu shot 5 Walking program 15 Various online educational activities 5 Healthy Beginnings 10
Who is eligible for the incentive? ◦ All employees and spouses enrolled in the health insurance plan through Highmark or buy out for 2012 ◦ If you are an employee or spouse on the buy out plan you need to inform J. Loizzo that you plan to participate in this program to get your access login code for the online website Incentive paid in December 2012 minus taxes
◦ Highmark is required by HIPAA regulations to insure that our information is kept confidential ◦ The website has various security requirements for you to access your information ◦ I get an aggregate report of what the main health risks are for the people involved as a whole for planning purposes ◦ I will get a list of who has completed the requirements so that I can grant the cash incentives for 2012 Nobody here sees any of your personal health information
We will provide a screening event here or do it at your physician’s office February Wellness Ctr. 7:30am-11:15am Blood pressure check, LDL, HDL, Triglyceride Cost = fee payable at Business Counter Starvaggi
Highmark Direct Mobile Tour ◦ Van will be available for you to get information about their programs and to begin to do your Health Profile online ◦ Information about our health insurance services will also be available ◦ Date TBA
Online produced by HealthMedia- 5 points for each ◦ Nourish- nutrition ◦ Breathe- smoking cessation ◦ Care for Diabetes ◦ Care for Pain Management ◦ Balance- weight management ◦ Care for your Health ◦ Overcoming Depression ◦ Overcoming Binge Eating ◦ Relax- Stress Management ◦ Care for your Back ◦ Overcoming Insomnia
Available at FUS- Point Values ◦ Aerobics Classes ◦ Spirituality Program- 10 ◦ Lunch & Learns- 10 ◦ Drop 10 in ◦ Flu Shots- 5 ◦ Walking Programs- 15
Dr. D. Eddington researcher at University of Michigan, Health Management Research Center Design wellness programs to keep the people with few risks healthy and assist those with multiple health risks to not get sicker Eddington, D.W. Zero trends: health as a serious management strategy. Health Management Research Center. Ann Arbor, MI. 2009
462 Highmark Q. Do you think you would have had a preventive care exam if you had not participated in LSR? Yes = 49% No or Not Sure = 51% Participation motivated people to seek preventive health care ◦ Conditions were identified early and treated ◦ If we save one life it is all worth it!
Highmark’s program saved $1.3 million over 4 years Largest savings were from lower inpatient costs About $1.65 ROI for every dollar spent on the programs Naydeck, BL, et al. The impact of the Highmark employee wellness programs on 4-year healthcare costs. J. Occ. & Environ. Med Vol. 50. No. 2. pp
Lifestyle Returns gives you everything you need to take charge of YOUR health Unlike other wellness programs that provide one approach for everyone, LSR is tailored to YOUR specific health needs Contact Joe Loizzo or Dianne Landberg for help in setting up your LSR online
◦ people completed LSR 34% of eligible employees 22% of eligible spouses ◦ completed LSR 30% of eligible employees 25% of eligible spouses Congratulations
The best thing about participating in LSR…. …. the rewards you enjoy will last a lifetime!