The “Cool” Way to Share Your PowerPoint
Slideshare 1. Go to 2. Sign up for a free account – Click Login, upper right hand corner 3. Click Sign up now – Lower left corner
Slideshare Upload Your PowerPoint 1. Click Upload – Top Middle 2. Click the Orange Upload button 3. Select your PowerPoint in the browse window the click open.
Upload Your PowerPoint 1. Allow time for the PowerPoint to be uploaded 2. While PowerPoint is being converted add your details and save.
Copy the Embed code Slideshare
Embed Your PowerPoint 1. Login to you wiki site 2. Navigate to the page you want to embed you powerpoint and click edit 3. Click the Widget icon on the edit menubar
Slideshare Embed Your PowerPoint 4. Select Other – located at the bottom 5. Paste code in textbox and click Save 6. Click Save on the Wiki page menu
Slideshare View Your Uploads 1. Click the menu arrow by your login and click My Uploads 2. Click Edit to view or change the information about the powerpoint. 3. To access the embed code for the powerpoint click View Presentation in top right corner.
Slideshare View Your Uploads 1. Click Embed just above your presentation. 2. Copy the code in the text box under Embed this presentation should you need to embed it somewhere else