Chapter Three Gina Becnel and Maggie Mock
The Internet ●Largest Computer Network (#5) ●Funded by the US Government (#6) ●Created by the ARPANET ●Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn headed the project
The Internet Internet and the Web ●the web is what we use when we need to access information over the Internet ●Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau invented the Web in 1989 Growth ●now more than 200 million websites ●everyone has access
Communicating through the Internet Instant Messaging (IM) (#7) (pg. 98) ●enables you to communicate in real time ●used for casual conversations and for quick communication between businesses and co-workers. ●Proprietary: AOL’s AIM, ICQ, Yahoo!, Google, Windows Live ●Public: ZangoMessenger, Messenger City ●Buddy list
Communicating through the Internet Podcasts and Webcams (pg. 98) ●Podcast o a clip of audio or video that is broadcast over the Internet o MP3s, radio shows, audio books, magazines o RSS technology: aggregators o newspapers, TV news, radio sites o Create your own ●Webcast o the broadcast of audio or video content over the Internet o RSS feeds: Microsoft’s On-Demand Webcasts o others are not updated
Communicating through the Internet Blogging (pg. 100) ●Personal Logs posted on the Web ●Video blogs (Vlogs) ●The Basics o Stream based o Public o Searchable Wikis (pg. 101) ●type of Website that allows users to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content (#8)
Communicating through the Internet Voice Over (VoIP) (#7, #9) (pg. 102) ●a form of voice-based Internet communication that turns a standard Internet connection into a means to place phone calls ●free or low cost for long-distance phone calls ●security issues: spam and fraud ●sound quality and reliability issues (#7) (pg. 103) ●a written message that is sent and received over electronic communication systems ●fast, convenient, cheaper, flexibility in communication ●not meant for personal or sensitive info ● clients ●free, Web-based accounts: Yahoo!, Hotmail, Gmail
Communicating through the Internet Group Communication (#7) (pg.105) ●Social Networking Sites o o o ●Use usernames and passwords ●General etiquette: netiquette o introducing yourself o refrain from swearing
Web Entertainment (pg.106) Multimedia- 1+ forms of media in edition to text: ●Graphics (ex. drawings charts and photos) ●Audio ●Streaming audio/video Plugins- Multimedia browser add-ons: ●ex: Adobe Reader, Flash Player. Real Player, etc ●Require access to browser
E-Commerce ●Electronic Commerce- Any conduction of online business (pg.108) o Click and Brick Business- Multiservice online shopping centers, allowing consumers purchase, to check item availability, and/or locate stores. o Business to Consumer (B2C)- Online transactions between a company and an individual. o Business to Business (B2B)-Online transactions between a company and another company. o Consumer to Consumer (C2C)-Online transactions between two individuals, ●Online Shopping Safety o Safety Pros- Eliminates sales clerk that can take information o Safety Cons- Things like spyware and phishing can impact unknowing consumers
Managing Annoyances Spam (pg.111) ●Spam- Unwanted/junk s containing promotions ●Spam Filter- An inbox feature that filters out unwanted s Pop-Ups ●Pop-up windows- Separate ad window ●Pop-up blockers- Standard with most recent OSs Cookies ● Cookies (#11)- Text files, collecting your info for marking purposes.
Managing Annoyances Spyware (pg.113) ●Spyware/Adware (#12)- Unwanted programs that mine personal data, browser history, etc ●Spyware Removal Software- Used to remove spy and adware Phishing ●Used to trick people into giving away their private info like credit cards, passwords, etc
Web Browsers (pg. 115) ●software installed on your computer system that allows you to locate, view, and navigate the Web ●Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla’s Firefox (#13) o more streamlined approach
Getting Around the Web URLs (pg.117) ●Website's address ●indicates the protocol and domain name(which is the site’s host) o ex: (#1) ●top-level domain- the suffix in the domain name after the dot ( (#14) ●ICAAN- International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers o responsible for IP address allocation and those that are sponsored by a narrower community that is most affected by the top-level domain (#2)
Getting Around the Web Data Loss Prevention (#3) ●a set of rules used for the exchange of data and communication Hyperlinks and Beyond (pg.118) ●specially coded text ●breadcrumb list ●history list Favorites, Live Bookmarks, and Tagging
Searching the Web (pg.120) Search Engines (#15) ●a set of programs that searches the web for information ●3 Parts: spider, indexer program, search engine software Subject Directories ●a guide on the Internet organized by topics and subtopics Evaluating Web Sites 1.Authority 2.Bias 3.Relevancy 4.Audience 5.Links (#4)
How the Internet Works Internet’s Clients and Servers (pg.125) ●client or server (client/server network) ●Internet backbone ●Internet Protocol address ●unique identification number
Connecting to the Internet Broadband Connections (pg.128) ●Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) ○DSL modem ○ADSL or SDSL ●Cable ○cable modem and network interface card (NIC) ●Fiber-Optic Service ●Satellite ○satellite dish ●Wireless ○aircard and WiFi
Connecting to the Internet Dial-Up Connections ●dial-up modem ●PC cards (PCMCIA) Choosing the Right Internet Connection ●data transfer rate
Finding a Provider Internet Service Providers (ISPs) ●national, regional, or local companies that connect individuals, groups, and other companies to the Internet Where to find an ISP ●broadband is an ISP ●if using dial-up, you need to find which ISPs available in your area
The Future of the Internet Large Scale Networking (LSN) ●fund research and development Internet 2 ●ongoing project sponsored by 200 universities Web 2.0
By: Gina Becnel and Maggie Mock THE END