Christianity Explained Jesus –the Son of God
Jesus’ authority… …as a teacher …over sickness …over nature …over evil spirits …over death …to forgive sins …OVER PEOPLE (you and me!)
Christianity Explained Jesus –his death on the cross
The meaning of the cross Darkness His cry Curtain Ransom
Christianity Explained Jesus –his resurrection
The resurrection: predicted (Mark 10:32-34) The resurrection: the facts (Mark 16:1-8) The resurrection: its central meaning (Acts 10:39-43)
Acts 10:39-43 All people will be raised All people will then be judged The risen Jesus will be the Judge on that day All people will be divided into two groups The division is forever THE POSITIVE SIDE Those who believe in Jesus now are forgiven now and are accepted by Jesus then on Judgment day (heaven) THE NEGATIVE SIDE Those who reject Jesus now will be rejected by Jesus then on Judgment Day (hell)
Christianity Explained Grace –not works!
Salvation by Works Salvation by Grace What I have doneWhat Christ has done X
Good works Salvation X BUT SalvationGood works
Christianity Explained What is a Christian? 1. Repenting
What is repentance? …before my will …before my ambitions …before my popularity …before my …??? I am willing for Jesus to be first in my life…
Too hard? In this life, he will repay us "a hundred times" for any cost we suffer. In the next life, he will give us eternal life.
Turn Trust Travel
Christianity Explained What is a Christian? 2. Faith
Faith is… …taking Jesus at his word …reaching out to Jesus …having child-like trust …knowing God accepts me …receiving Jesus as your King