0 Presentation to:GASPA Attendees Presentation by: Bill Tierney, SHBP, Manager, Employer Services State Health Benefit Plan GASPA Presentation November 2012
1 Mission The Georgia Department of Community Health We will provide access to affordable, quality health care to Georgians through effective planning, purchasing and oversight. We are dedicated to A Healthy Georgia.
2 AGENDA Open Enrollment Wrap Up Wellness Appeals, Where are We? A Little History on Non-Certificated/Classified Policy and Procedures for Non- Certificated/Classified Population Leaving SHBP Open Forum
3 Non-Certificated/Classified Budget Information You will find the complete August 23, 2012 presentation to the DCH Board at the below URL The following three slides from the presentation capture the historical perspective
6 RECAP OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES-LEAVING SHBP For enrolled active PSE employees, coverage will end on the effective date of withdrawal For enrolled former employees (retirees and extended beneficiaries) who terminated employment before the effective date of withdrawal coverage will continue under SHBP Covered members that retire or terminate after the effective date of withdrawal will NOT be covered as a retiree or extended beneficiary
7 RECAP OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES-LEAVING SHBP Public School Employees Group (PSE-Non- Certificated/Classified) CAN opt out of SHBP Teachers (Certificated) MUST be covered under SHBP SHBP will provide standard claim history report for non-certificated group to help the BOE determine if it is viable to opt out of SHBP
8 RECAP OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES-LEAVING SHBP For enrolled active PSE employees, coverage will end on the effective date of withdrawal For enrolled former employees (retirees and extended beneficiaries) who terminated employment before the effective date of withdrawal coverage will continue under SHBP
9 RECAP OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES-LEAVING SHBP Covered members that retire or terminate after the effective date of withdrawal will NOT be covered as a retiree or extended beneficiary You can find the October 11, 2012 presentation and Resolution at the below URL
10 State Health Benefit Plan Thank you