CONVERSION GRAPHS A conversion graph is used to “convert” or change one unit into another.
Use this conversion graph to change test marks out of 60 into percentages out of 100
CONVERSION GRAPHS 1” = 2.5 cm. Use this conversion graph to change inches to centimetres.
CONVERSION GRAPHS £1.00 = €1.50 Use this conversion graph to change Pounds to Euros.
CONVERSION GRAPHS Use your conversion graph to convert the following……. €60 = £ _______ €120 = £ _______ €30 = £ _______ €80 = £ _______ £50 = € _______ £60 = € _______ £90 = € _______ £45 = € _______
CONVERSION GRAPHS 5 mile = 8 km. Use this conversion graph to change miles to kilometres.
CONVERSION GRAPHS Use your conversion graph to convert the following……. 25miles = ____km 40miles = ____km 10miles = ____ km 35miles = ____km 25km = ____miles 60km = _____miles 70km = _____miles 45km = _____miles
CONVERSION GRAPHS 60 wibbles = 500 wobbles Construct a conversion graph to change wibbles into wobbles.
CONVERSION GRAPHS Choose 2 units of your own! Example : 50 Hoobs = 120 Boohbahs. Use a conversion graph to change from one unit to another.