PASS Positive Approach to Student Success Inclusion for Students with Behavior Disorders by James R. Poole, B.A. & Hope Caperton-Brown, Ed.D. Janet Cooke & Amanda Reagan Allen County Schools
Agenda What is PASS? Where did PASS come from and how effective has it been? Why change our approach to addressing behavior? How are we initiating the PASS process in Allen County?
What is PASS? Comprehensive program that incorporates practices consistent with IDEA and NCLB Incorporates positive behavior supports Scientifically-based research practices and interventions Behavior students are educated in the inclusive setting, where they have access to the general curriculum and "highly qualified teachers"
What is PASS? A framework for managing the behavior of students identified as Emotionally / Behavior Disordered or displaying high-risk behaviors A non-level / individualized approach Based on teaching behavioral expectations primarily in mainstream (inclusive) settings Utilizes daily behavioral evaluation software and weekly behavioral analysis to guide intervention using a FBA approach
What is PASS? Focus of PASS Academic and behavioral success Dignity and respect Collaboration team efforts Helping students develop adaptive and socially acceptable behaviors The student is provided a reasonable chance to succeed
What is PASS? A program based on best practices Screening and assessment for planning an evaluation of services Cognitive-behavioral interventions Effective academic instruction Crisis management procedures Collaboration among disciplines Family involvement
What is PASS? Instead of relying on unsuccessful punishment procedures, PASS encourages positive learning environments and teaching behavioral skills.
What is PASS? Combines targeted and intensive social skills instruction with behavior monitoring and coaching for the student and the classroom teacher Aims to assist the student in the development of self-management skills Relies on data to drive decisions
What is PASS? Not a more “effective” / “innovative” punishment techniques Not a level system, in-school-suspension, or an escape for students to get the reward of getting out of class for days at a time Not an easy way to get troubled students out of the classroom or school for multiple days, without teaching them the skills to correct their behaviors Not a “place”, but an intervention
Origins of PASS Developed by a special education teacher and a psychologist, who together have over 40 years of experience in education. PASS program strategies are those identified as "best practices" in research in the areas of behavior disorders, inclusion, and positive behavior supports.
PASS Origins and Development 1994: Jim Poole designs an inclusive approach to education Emotional Disturbed students 1995: Department of Education site visit complements approach 1999: Dr. Caperto-Brown begins collaboration with Jim Poole the program became “PASS”. District-wide programming was developed for Galena Park in Houston, TX 2007: Central Kentucky Special Education Cooperative began projects with 5 schools 2008: Madison County joined Central Kentucky - 19 schools 2009: Joined Randy Sprick’s Safe and Civil Schools. Materials are published by Pacific Northwest Publishing 2010: River Region began PASS project 2010: CKSEC extended PASS participation to 34 schools
Is PASS successful? PASS has been implemented in more than 50 schools (K-12) in southeast and central Texas and has created a path to schools in Central Kentucky and the River Regions of Kentucky.
Is PASS successful? Many schools using the PASS program have seen their ED / BD students experience academic and behavioral success in mainstream settings. In one instance, a school in Tier 5 status saw so much success that it was out of tier status just one year later. Teachers have observed significant reductions in the number of students placed in more restrictive placements.
District Celebrations Continued partnership with KYCID and district-wide implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Much success with initial attempts to serve students with severe behaviors; however, we still have room for improvement. Strong administrative and faculty support to tackle the most difficult of challenges and educate all students.
Why change? After reviewing our Allen County data, we saw glaring evidence that we are loosing our children to suspensions, dropouts, and full time placements in the alternative school setting. There seemed to be a “gap” in the continuum of behavioral interventions in our district.
Allen County Data: Areas of Concern We first looked at many students data and then decided to begin looking at individual student data. This lead us to realize some students were not responsive to traditional behavioral interventions. We learned of new interventions to help our kids feel better about themselves and allow them to succeed in a setting with their peers.
Students with 6 or more referrals: 61 Referrals from these 61 students: 728 In School Suspensions: 227 Out of School Suspensions: 82
Students with 6 or more referrals: 67 Referrals from these 67 students: 741 In School Suspensions: 245 Out of School Suspensions: 118
Why change? District wide, there was a lack of individualized social skills training. Previously, these skills were only formally taught to students served in the behavior units, but many students had this need. Students with negative behaviors needed support and educational measures to teach replacement behaviors and give them a continuum of interventions. Our challenge is to deliver services to students in a way that they can become responsible individuals in our schools and in society.
Key Benefits of PASS Schools that have implemented PASS report that their Emotionally Disturbed/Behavior Disorder students are experiencing academic and behavioral success in mainstream settings. Schools are seeing significant reductions in the number of students placed in more restrictive environments.
How do we help kids be successful. We TEACH How do we help kids be successful? We TEACH. We not only teach academics; we must also teach behaviors.
3 Tiered Approach to Behavior PASS Interventions FBA & BIP 6-9 Weeks Tier 2: Grade Level Meetings "Watch List" 6-9 Weeks Tier 1: School Wide Positive Behavior Supports 3-5 Weeks
Behavior Referral Process and Student Support Teams 1. Identify student with behavior concerns in Tier I setting. 2. Meet with team to discuss Tier II interventions. 3. Implement Tier II strategies. Collect data (discipline, attendance, grades, etc.) Data based decision making Possible referral for wrap-around services 4. Meet with team to discuss interventions that were tried & data that was collected. 5. Committee comes to a decision about Tier III interventions. If the decision is made for the student to go into the PASS program, a date will be set for the student to begin Phase 2: Orientation of PASS
PASS Phases
Monitoring Behavior is Acceptable Warning: Behavior is unacceptable. Student has been given warning and compliance is expected in 1-2 minutes. Behavior is continues to be unacceptable after reasonable period of time to comply. Bonus: Student has performed above and beyond expectations.
Data Collection
Social Skills Instruction Daily lessons 30-50 minutes of instruction Group and/or Individualized Lessons Why Try? Curriculum, The Social Times, and other materials Provided by PASS Coach and PASS Instructional Assistant
They need us…
So this does not become a reality.
The Goal With assistance from highly trained staff, educate behavior students in the general education classroom so they may be able to learn, demonstrate, and continually practice the crucial skills required to be a productive citizen of Scottsville and Allen County.
The Plan Begin slowly, and individualize the PASS program to meet the specific needs of each building. Provide on-going training, resources, and technical assistance. Rely on data to make informed decisions and modifications when necessary. Initially, target ECE students to mainstream them into the general education setting. As other students progress through the behavioral tiers, they will also be considered for PASS candidates.
Allen County Schools We are dedicated to providing the supports to help ensure the success of all students.