BASIC FACTS Intergovernmental organization established 27 Feb HQ in Moscow; 20 member states (Governments); Associated partners (private business) ~ 50 partners from 14 countries;
ICSTI MANDATE Facilitate and support international co- operation in science, information exchange, technology transfer and innovations; Provide services in the field of scientific and technical information; Assist small and medium innovative technology-driven business.
OPERATING PRINCIPLES Governing body: Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives – comprises high-level officials appointed by governmental agencies of ICSTI member states; meets at least once a year; Network of National Focal Points: governmental agencies (science and R&D, technology and innovations, education), national centres of STI; Headquarters: management and implementation; Partners: organizations in member/non-member states, international agencies (UN family, EU, etc.), business companies, individual scientists and researchers.
TRADITIONAL ICSTI ACTIVITIES Development of and on-line access to data bases (R&D results, meta-data, technology offers, business, etc.); Development of information tools (thesauri, software); Analytical reviews and market research; Capacity-building projects; Publications; Conferences, exhibitions, workshops.
ICSTI ADVANTAGES Over 35 years of professional activities; Established network of partners in member / non-member states: government agencies, research, academic, information, business communities (for example, in Russia: government agencies (e.g., RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Chamber of Commerce&Industry), business, research communities); Regional/multilateral approach; International, intergovernmental status and long-term experience in managing business projects; Partnerships with large innovation/business associations in member and non-member states (Russian-Italian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Fraunhofer GmbH, Germany, etc.). Standing relations with international agencies supporting SMEs, innovations, technology transfer (e.g., UNIDO, etc.);
COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Development and distribution of information products (software, thesauri); Translation, publication and distribution of newsletters, bulletins, other information materials; Capacity-building projects; Regional meetings, workshops, etc.
ICSTI BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS Associated partnership (long-term agreements with business partners - business incubation on the base of HQ); Projects with member states (innovation promotion network, training and methodology, exhibitions); Single contracts (presentations, workshops, analytical research/market reviews, other services of Information and Analytical Centre ).
ASSOCIATED PARTNERSHIP Introduced in 1990 as a form of implementing ICSTI international activities; Typical activities with associated partners: - joint development of information products and their marketing in RF and other countries; contract management; business incubation, i.e. comprehensive services (information, organizational, legal, etc.) to companies interested in entering local markets of RF/CIS; representation of a company's interests in particular projects and/or regions.
Creation of opportunities for direct access to and exchange of the available information between the members and participants of the Network, as well as provision of a wide range of intermediary services in the field of innovation and technology transfer. Facilitation of access for SMEs of ICSTI member states to information and services provided by international projects supporting small and medium business. Development of a mechanism supporting SMEs participation in innovation and technology related projects. Main Aims of IPN
Consulting, information and organizational support at all stages of technology commercialization process; Assistance in adaptation of technologies, products and services to conditions of local markets, identification of local requirements for technologies or technological services; Search for investments and investment projects; Analysis of the innovation markets and consulting in the field of technologies, high-tech products and services; Expert assessment and technical audit of new technologies and high- tech products; Monitoring of patents for innovation technologies and products; Matchmaking services: Search for innovative technologies/products and identification of potential partners in accordance with the requests of IPN participants; Commercial evaluation of innovative technology; Search for partners for joint business, assistance in B2B cooperation; Partnership building and creation of networks for joint R&D. IPN SERVICES
Bilingual international journal "Information and Innovations"; Network databases; A complex of educational-methodological materials for raising business qualifications; Permanent exposition of innovative technologies from SMEs in ICSTI Headquarters; Regular international business-meetings of the holders of technologies with potential buyers; Important international events: seminars and conferences; Training on various aspects of innovation activity. IPN Products and Tools
Examples of ICSTI workshops and seminars International seminar on the problems of the international innovative - technological cooperation and participation of ICSTI in the projects of the Asian - Pacific Center for Transfer of Technologies (АРСТТ) Training course “ Role of the state in support of the small and medium innovational technological enterprises ”. Organizers: ICSTI, Fund of Assistance to Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Russian Federation) and ANVAR (France) with support of the Scientific Committee of NATO. The International Seminar “EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE PERSONAL COMMUNICATION” jointly with the European Commission and with support of the Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Science of Russia. Regular International Seminar “SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION IN THE COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE” are held jointly with the Center of Information Processing of the Republic of Poland. “Days of Russian High Technologies in London” were organized jointly with the innovational company PERA International (Great Britain) with support of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of Russia and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Great Britain.
Main task of IAC - information and analytical support to scientific, R&D, and innovation activities of companies and business sphere. Information services are aimed at provision of comprehensive data on the state of research and development activities and data for competitive analysis. Analytical services in the field of science and technology are intended for determination of innovation companies development position in the world scientific, technical, and engineering markets. Analytical services for manufacturers are directed to the estimation of world goods market dynamics and changes in competitive environment and also to detection of new potential markets for companys production. Information and Analytical Centre (IAC)
ICSTI OFFERS Business incubation and assistance in entering markets of Russia and other ICSTI member states; Facilitated business contacts/partnership building in Russia and other ICSTI member states; Access to ICSTI information resources and business support services; Participation in ICSTI innovation promotion network.