Concept Note Land Matrix Development in Asia and the Pacific The Land Matrix is a global and independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability in decisions over land and investment. AFA has discussed land issues and has conducted research, case studies and regional consultation; produced issue paper, research paper, and video
Rationale the Land Matrix can (1) give us the necessary data as well as the necessary skills to get data (2) strengthen our partnerships with other CSOs who are working on land rights issues as well, and (3) present to policy makers the extent of the problem on large scale land acquisitions as well as different policy options taken by governments
Activities for First Year (Apr 2014-Mar 2014) Data Collection Network Building and Strengthening Research Communication
Set up Regional Data Unit – Regional data coordinator (supported by Data Assistant, AFA program and admin staff) Country data coordinators (supported by pool of volunteers) ILC Partners, AFA members, network (MTCP2, GAFSP, etc.), media, research institutions, government (?)
Sustainability – Seed fund of up to 15,000 USD in the first year – Usefulness of the land matrix to members and partners – Fund sourcing in cooperation with ILC